
I’m really starting to have my doubts that Meghan McCain ever even met her father.

Unlike magazine editors, book editors leave it to the author to fact check. Authors can say whatever TF they want. When they lie or fuck up it’s on them.

This will get buried in the greys, but whatever.

I want this show w/o Bob. Immigrant family story centered around the working mom could be awesome.

I’ve lived in LA for 8 years, and my only ~Holywood~ story is that Bradley Whitford once cut me off in the school drop off line. Now I can’t watch old West Wing episodes without getting angry at Josh for making my kid get a tardy slip.

I’m not a fan of any of the DC shows on CW but that trailer for Batwoman looked surprisingly good. I might give it a shot.

I’m over the whole ‘schlub with an attactive woman’ sitcom trope, though. 

Sweet jeepers, Ruby Rose! I hope Batwoman runs long enough to go into syndication and then runs forevermore.

That’s the context missing from this story. In most cities eating on the train is totally normal. In DC it has been seriously not allowed. Remember a few years ago when they handcuffed a teenaged girl who wouldn’t put her candy bar away?

In DC the no food or drink on the trains rule was very strictly enforced until the recent change mentioned in the article. I would guess that most DC commuters have no idea that the rule is no longer being enforced. 

Possibly because in 2019 I want a presidental candidate who understands exactly why it’s not ok to sniff a woman’s hair. That’s a really, really low bar to clear. Why would I vote for him when I can vote for Senator Warren, who paid attention the day in Kindergarten when they told her to keep her hands to herself?

Me too. I was ready to offer up my backpack and hiking boots to celebrities in need.  

He was still married when they got together, which had to suck for the ex-wife. I recall Joe Biden released a statement about being glad they found love again.

Exactly. Considering the relationship precipitated a messy divorce with Hunter’s then-wife, and that she was not press-shy, this was always out there in the open.

Dear Baracka and Dornea:

I guess you missed the one from Wells Fargo twitter:

George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama because of these individuals’ support of Antifa

The assault on Lois Rinna happened in 1960. He was later convicted in 1970 and sent away for 7 years. They let him out again and from 1979–1981 he raped and murdered 5 more women. In 1988 he was sentenced to death and he’s been on deathrow ever since. He was then convicted of 2 more murders and there is evidence that

Same, older millennial here - my handwriting is a hybrid of cursive and print. Letters that make sense to loop together are looped together (think h-e of “hello” or the u-r-g-e in “surgeon”). Silly cursive letters that only exist for the purpose of having some tail to connect to (looking at you, cursive lowercase

Christ. That is only deadly, fluffy dinosaur. Lowkey, its feathers look rather soft and luxurious. Maybe that is how it gets you lol