
So they are ostensibly the Diamond & Silk of the hashtag Resist movement: obvious grifters who found a niche milking anti-trump anger?

I’m not too proud a man to say that I was fooled by them at first. I think a lot of us were looking for new voices to take on the psychotic nature that is trump and his big gang of

And that is why I have changed my locks after everytime I’ve had to give out a key to contractors.

There’s actually more to this story that is arguably as much or more fucked up and unrelated to this dude. First, to set the tone, the police say they can’t find any evidence of forced entry for this guy. And last year she came home to find two strangers in her living room.... College housing is always a bit of a

Sometimes the courage it takes to admit you fucked up outweighs the actual fuck up.

I legit thought that haircut died after I graduated high school. (2008) I remember wanting to have that type of haircut as a kid, but blessed be my South Indian curly ass hair, I wasn’t able to.

This woman (in the middle seat) is a complete and total asshat and deserved to be kicked off the plane.

he voted for Bush twice, he only became a Democrat because he knew which way the wind was blowing in 2005. Also considering how every nickname has a backstory, there is no doubt in my mind he was dressing up in blackface so many fucking times that he was given that nickname.

I read an article this week that sums it up well. Ted Bundy wasn’t clever. He was white. 

I am all in on dressing for yoruself and rejecting sexualized clothing (if that’s what’s desired), but ruffles are an abomination, even before considering all the racism.

This ass-clown wants to run for president, yet he got shredded by fuckin’ Meghan McCain? OK then, good luck with that, buddy! He looked close to tears in that clip.

I am 100000% done with unqualified billionaires wanting to run for office, candidates that are over 65, and “running the country like a business”, the idea of it has always been ludicrous to me and I never understood the rationale behind it.

It’s funny how these billionaire independents always think that the “political center” is what they believe. Almost as if the world revolves around them. 


Am I too slow with this?

Not to be that guy but, as someone who rows recreationally, if your shoulders hurt you’re doing it way wrong. It’s your quads that should be on fire.

Not to be that guy but, as someone who rows recreationally, if your shoulders hurt you’re doing it way wrong. It’s

There was an early episode of Brooklyn 99 where Terry had to fill in for the police sketch artist and Terry Crews actually drew the sketches. I heard him interviewed about it and he said his mom was so excited because people would finally get to see his art. I love him.

sadly, that idea is kind of common, seeing as people will often suggest women take self defense courses or own guns to prevent sexual assault

Even if all that didn’t happen, there would be a whole “but did he have to hit him?” hangwring over it because the entire goal is delegitimization of complaints. The real insidious thing about what Hugely and those like him are saying is that it’s not really about stopping predators, just upholding your masculinity at

for people saying crews should have hit the guy. do some math. a large, powerful black guy strikes a wealthy, physically unimposing white guy who has massive pull in the industry. in a his word against mine situation. Now, do i need to carry the two for you? i’m white and i see it, nobody would believe crews, they

He made a rhetorical point not a threat.