
I started watching the Netflix doc about him last night and I can’t stop thinking about if my daughter (or anyone) was beaten, raped, murdered, and disappeared, how I would feel if she went long forgotten and her murderer went on to become a pop culture icon who all anyone can say about him is how perplexing it was

As someone who has dealt with submissive men, they can be just as creepy, pushy and rapey toward women as doms or any other type of men. They may have a different, more insidious way of going about it (i.e. using manipulation or coercion instead of brute force) but the goal is the same. The fact that he’s actually

The fact that he has qualified sex as a boxed off thing just so he can show that he’s not really harassing these women, even though he’s getting sexual gratification out of playing the submissive says shady at the very least just right off the bat.

OMg - hahaha, I hadn’t even thought of it that way!!! That’s pretty funny!

Didn’t even need to read the article

I would like to mention that just this morning I was in the room (major network); out the mouth of one of my co-workers, at least 3 weird and creepy serial killer rape jokes (involving a manequin being undressed). It seems nothing has changed because these dick-faces still think all of it is fine and they don’t

The white savior vision is strong in transracial adoptions. I would be a millionaire if I got paid everyone told me how “lucky” I am to be adopted by an American family. I’ve also had people tell me that if I weren’t adopted, I probably would have been a prostitute in my home country. Gee, thanks.

Yes! As a transracial adoptee, I wasn’t able to effectively express and name these emotions until a few years ago, in therapy. It took several months of EMDR for me to reconcile these feelings I had that I felt guilty for having. I am a recovering alcoholic and also have anxiety disorder.

You’re right I’m not. I was completely unpractical in my career choices, so if this was my kid I wouldn’t have the option to hire a PR firm, BUT that’s not the point. I would tell Savannah Guthrie or whoever that I was really bummed out that my kid was awful enough to attend an anti-abortion rally and wear that hat,

I once had a student get very mad at me because I wouldn’t let him write a stakeholder research paper on why abortion should be illegal. To be clear, the stakeholder paper requires the writer to be tangibly affected in a real, demonstrable way by whatever issue is at stake in the paper. I’ve had students write great

This is one of the reasons why I am divorced. I had all of this on top of a small business and I couldn’t “manage/train”* a husband. If I was going to do it all, then why are you here. I just couldn’t and I was becoming bitter and mean.


That is probably one of the most comprehensive lists of household chores and child rearing tasks I have ever read. Have you ever shared this list with your partner? Not giving advice, I’m just curious how he reacted. I'm guessing defensively.

“I didn’t have much experience of how to organize domesticity.”

I hate politicians that think firefighters and cops are better than me.   

Sherrod is a Democrat in a red state. Of course he's courting cops and firemen for a 2020 run. I've voted for him, and his redeeming qualities are he isn't a republican. I mean, I'd vote for him over Trump, but I also hope he isn't the democratic candidate.

What you see here hinges on whether you believe that “Make America Great Again” is a dog whistle meant to unite racists, misogynists, and homophobes under one umbrella, or you’re delusional and don’t care about people who aren’t white men.

I’ve lived in NYC for 21 years, and been harassed on the street by the Black Israelites literally hundreds of times in that period. Weirdly, I never felt the urge to do anything other than walk away. Strange how easy that is. 

It was edible, but I shouldn’t have eaten it... I have a real sweet tooth and basically as soon as I was old enough to serve food to myself, I discovered the joys of powdered sweet things - hot cocoa mix, cake mix, brownie mix... you get the idea. The ultimate powder being powdered sugar. I was older than I’d like to

In college, I worked for Marriot as a cater waiter. Since we weren’t allowed to bring in outside food and and worked through meals, I was always starving. One day I saw a bowl of dried apples and cinnamon sticks and assumed it was to garnish a banquet table, so no one would notice some missing. I started chowing