
When I was 11 I swallowed the pop top to a soda can. I had to know what letter my future boyfriend’s name started with, so I twisted the pop top off and then tossed it into the soda can. As I was taking the last swig, I accidentally swallowed it. I really did not want to tell my parents what an idiot I was, so I went

$13k a year is lower than I was expecting! Still - if factory wages have risen 2x and homes 10x, that still a Hell of a PPP (purchasing power parity) bite.

You know, real purchasing power for millenials in terms of homebuying has genuinely declined from what it was, say, before 1980 for all but the very highest brackets of American income.

And we all know they’d really only see assault on a male juvenile by an adult woman as a problem if the woman were unattractive.

I don’t know how many people actually know this, probably more black people than white, for sure. This goes further back, and not in show business (well, he did write plays, too), but I didn’t know this until some “fanboys” got all up in arms over the casting for Porthos in the BBC series “The Musketeers” (2014-2016).

Wow, who knew. I learned the creator of Krazy Kat comic strip George Herriman was black but kept a hat on all the time to cover his hair which would have gave him away.

I’ve been diving deep into discussions about this ad on my social media lately and men still can’t tell me why they are specifically upset about this commercial.  It just gets sidetracked about politics, religion, etc.

My co-workers clean up drug labs as part of their duties, so they’ve been getting training. Pure fentanyl has fatal dose the size of 2 grains of salt, and it can be inhaled as dust or absorbed through the skin. If they were grinding pills - maybe a lot of them, or high dosage/concentrated form? The cops may have been

I’m confused- if semen is so great for women, why are chodes like this always telling us to keep our legs closed?

There’s some real Sherrod Brown love on this thread, and as much as I like how pro-labor he is and how he seems to be one of maybe 2 or 3 genuine progressives on this list, I feel obligated to point this out:

No. You don’t share your boyfriend’s dick pics with your friends. I don't care how close friends you are, you just don't. That's weird on so many levels.

Oh it’s definitely possible that the two are connected. There’s even an article on CNN today about it.

I don't even think it's tinfoil-hatting to point out that Trump hates Bezos and The Enquirer loves Trump. 

Oh my god, you think the Daily Kos is “the far left”. Holy shit.

Mahershala Ali apologized to the family for the portrayal:

Yes, in addition Dr. Shirley was alive when the son of the driver approached him about writing a script. And he said that he was not interested in it. The driver also only worked with him for about 8 months. If i was his family I would be upset about it as well.

If Splinter held a similar funding drive, what do you think it would ask its community to buy?

Probably something related to Gritty.

(Figuratively) fuck this guy. Oh and by the way, NICE RUG.