My husband worked briefly in a retirement facility in which a male patient had to be kept away from a female dementia patient.
My husband worked briefly in a retirement facility in which a male patient had to be kept away from a female dementia patient.
Wow, that’s pretty gross.
He lost his liberal audiences, switching to conservatives is a financial decision. I’ve never felt comfortable with him. It always seemed that he was full of shit and a creep but I couldn’t articulate it beyond “I don’t trust him, he is full of shit and a creep.” I got a lot of shit from my friends because I didn’t…
You’re not interesting because you jerked off in front of women for decades. Why does that mean I have to listen to you? Why does that make you interesting. You didn’t get your career ruined by a vindictive creep. You spent 20 years harassing your colleagues and threatening them with retaliation and now I gotta…
Which is great and all. But ‘men are scared women will laugh at them; women are scared men will kill them’.
Been there as well.
I read a great take on that whole situation and I wish I could remember who said it: it was basically that in her head, the girl was starring in a movie where the ingenue meets the TV star and he falls in love with her, and in Aziz Ansari’s head, he was starring in a porno where the TV star has sex with a groupie.
Yeah the thing is a third or so of you all are time bombs, ready to explode at rejection. Maybe read the comments from women in this very comment section, above and below your opinion, about how we have almost all had rejection turn into abuse or violence. We have no way of knowing which dude in the bar is going to…
when guys (especially nerdy guys, my weakness) said over and over again “I wish girls would make the first move!” I took them at their word!
“Not going to deny that I’m going to be kind of a jerk when I feel like someone else is kind of being a jerk to me... but I might not make the effort to hold it open for them, either. I’m not going to escalate a situation.”
And that has its place (though I find just getting away from jerks as opposed to trying to…
The rest kept dating me partially because I did most of the work, and partially because they didn’t want to reject me, while *still saying* they hated that women never made the first move.
I had a Tumblr for screenshots of the messages I received and my replies for a while until it got too depressing. I was admittedly not nice and had a list of “don’t message me ifs,” which of course just garnered more messages from the men I was trying to avoid, telling me that I was a bitch, or had a loose vagina…
I lost a lot of weight for awhile and, clothed, at least, looked Barbie-ish. Men were so much more violent and outright hostile to me than they were when I was as super morbidly obese, when they just ignored me. There is no winning this game called patriarchy.
Yeah it was a really fascinating experience. Cause I wasn’t a “woman”, exactly, due to my looks, so I got to be part of the Club, but I wasn’t an honorary guy either, so I was still kind of looked down on. Usually my role was to act as the Women Stand-In who was there to justify why girls be psycho and why dating is…
I’m asexual and a woman. I am definitely oblivious when people are flirting with me, but I deal out definite rejection as soon as I figure out that they want sex. Personally, I think wasting someones’ time is basically the worst thing you can do to someone.
They’re not silent online, or in communities where they think comments are safe. (I’m a woman who frequently got “friend-zoned” due to my appearance, so I got to hear allllll about other women from my guy friends.)
What I noticed is, yes, there are plenty of men who have a high threshold for embarrassment but it’s...…
As a gay man, I can kind of (sort of) confirm that this is a behavioral trait shared by all men. The sense of entitlement - that self validation is inextricably tied to sexual conquest. That is not a blanket condemnation of the male sex, just an observation on the current state of ‘masculinity’ as it is interpreted…
As a gay man, I’ll never quite be able to fathom the depths of how far this indoctrination goes with women, but I feel it, too. I don’t *owe* anything to other men, but I still feel conditioned to prioritize their feelings of rejection over my own feelings of calmness and mental security.
I’ve been happily out of the dating game for decades (and was terrible at it back when) but I’ve always thought the modern hetero iteration, and especially in New York City, is just awful and hugely favors men who get ego and sexual gratification from an endless string of casual dates with women, many of whom are…
I realize this is not as important, but I saw his film along with the other nominated animated shorts, and it was a half-finished pile of vanity crap.