I’m blown away by the young Parkland activists. If they are any indication, we need to stand back and let them fix shit.
I’m blown away by the young Parkland activists. If they are any indication, we need to stand back and let them fix shit.
The bitch who creep-shot him deserves to get doxxed.
Ranch is terrible on actual salads. Combined with spicy, greasy food: divine.
Obama’s campaign HQ for Senate was down the street from my work. I remember passing him one evening, him looking exhausted, wearing a trench raincoat, smoking a cig. He looked cool as fuck.
I think the biggest “before” was around 330 lbs., while the after was 205. So yeah, this doesn’t reflect the weight when he had the heart attack. Still, pretty impressive.
It’s the jorts...
Speaking of Before/Afters, had anyone looked at Kevin Smith’s Insta lately? He lost 50 lbs in 6 months, supposedly just by going vegan.
I only follow crafters and Amy Sedaris. Both are very good for my mental health.
MIB also penned yet another “our boys are in trouble” op-ed. His capacity for himpathy is bottomless.
The Constitution needs a re-do, especially the first two amendments. Freedom of Speech does protect the press; it also protects racist, sexist speech, and allows degrading and relentless harassment against women and minorities. I have a Canadian friend who periodically rants against the kind of garbage propaganda the…
Dame Peggy of Noonington. I loved your essay about meeting an actual Mexican person.
I also think that the abuser values the woman primarily as a fuck-toy, and pregnancy reduces her physical availability and compromises markers of conventional attractiveness.
Hey, Amway did made somebody rich: the DeVos family.
Most people are terrible at conversation for the same reasons. I just attended a reunion that was a hellscape of cousins monologuing about their boats, dull vacations, grandchildren. Look, if you have some personal anecdotes that are actually entertaining, then share. Otherwise, keep the amount of time your mouth is…
The #Resistance finally has their own Ben Garrison. (Btw that is a squirrel Steve Bannon living in Ronald Plump’s hair)
I was messing around with one of those rubber exercise bands at the gym, and decided to hook a foot in one of them to work my inner thighs. It shot off my foot and nailed me hard, in the face. Once the stars dissipated, I felt a warm liquid running down my chin. It split my lower lip open.
Jesus...I cannot believe the the level of delusion
The misogyny of many developing countries has definitely provided a ready supply of younger women who are willing to make major compromises to get that green card. I cannot blame any of these women, though I think it often turns out tougher for them than they anticipated. I personally know three older white men (one…
“Bookifying” will involve fact-checking, assuming he’s going with a legit publisher.
She’s been very open about her transition while still the CEO of VEC. This is an interesting profile: https://www.sevendaysvt.com/vermont/becoming-christine-transgender-ceo-hallquist-prepares-to-go-to-work-as-a-woman/Content?oid=2989971