That is awkward: “Sorry, sir. I have to card your date.”
That is awkward: “Sorry, sir. I have to card your date.”
Yeah, I have a gf (late 50's) who briefly tried online dating after her longterm boyfriend ghosted her. The male/female ratio is highly skewed in that age group, and a halfway decent-looking man over 50 is going to be popular with age-appropriate women. Too bad he’s going to want a woman 20 years his junior.
The dog shit situation in Paris is disgraceful, or at least it was 4 years ago. Paris felt like a city that would be enchanting if all the people were removed from it.
“Spice zombie” Love that one, too.
Yep, it’s a true path to fame and fortune. I mean, who can’t name all 60+ of Bill Cosby’s accusers? 🙄
I think Ohio deserves to have representation by a member of Rand Paul’s Hair Club for Men. His last name just seals the deal.
Why people living in a midwestern state eat this is beyond me. You can try to smother almost-expired sushi under a (yes) mayonnaise-based sauce, but you’re rolling the gastrointestinal dice.
You know what really pissed me off? The inherently eerie miniatures. After the first scene I thought “Ooah, there’s gonna be some scary dollhouse shit.” Nah. She smashes all of them and the film rapidly trainwrecks from there.
Hereditary. Because it started out as a tense, spooky psychological thriller and rapidly devolved into (spoilers) another dumb bloody Satan-worshiper trope. The tongue-click from the empty back seat was 10x scarier than anything that came after it.
I just looked at their website: up to $150.00 a pair. Holy rip-off!
Shoplifting crews get violent when confronted. We had a bunch here who pepper-sprayed, pulled a knife and bit a security guard.
Yeah, look at fucking Rupert Murdoch.
So he carried her behind a dumpster for dry humping? Christ, these people are shameless. Turner also allegedly sent pics of her breasts to some of his friends; so much for the keeping clothes on part.
Same for me. We can still star comments, though.
I hate CGI. Not the technology itself, but the fact that it makes wretched excess the norm. All of the effects in this trailer were the opposite of magical.
Obama also fired him. I know-he officially “resigned,” but beltway gossip says that Rahm had one of his infamous temper tantrums at Valerie Jarrett, and that was the end of him.
Those “30 under 30” lists are actually “Here’s Some People You Might Want To Bang...Also They’re In Our Advertiser’s Most Desireable Demographic”
Yeah I remember similar satire about Thatcher and Reagan, e.g. that they are so “in love” with each other’s ideology that they are literally lovers.
She’s married to a guy who bought 2011. Comparably this is like losing pocket change.