The fucking trailer shows the entire movie.
The fucking trailer shows the entire movie.
Macron is simply airing out his Trump-crushing fingers.
That’s a cabana set. I can clearly see the drawstring for the separate shorts.
Are you sure you aren’t thinking of the sub price for the NYT? The New Yorker is a little under $100/yr for about 40 issues per year.
There is a “bro-cycle” culture that does cycling advocacy no good. These are the guys who time their runs and sneer at cyclists who actually stop at red lights.
He doesn’t look like a real fat man. He looks like a cartoon of a fat man from a 1940's New Yorker. Give him a silk top hat and get it over with.
Every time I see a petting zoo, it’s always swarming with children. Fuck children-they have no jobs, get to take the entire summer off and spend zero money on waxing. Its adults who deserve to pat cute animals.
Sold out. :(
Chicken Soup for the Soulless
I just stumbled on this 2008 profile of Simmons. He seemed like a sensitive, secretly introverted person whose public persona was exhausting him. Good god, leave the guy alone.
One of my coworkers fell down her basement steps when nobody else was home. She was knocked out, and came to with a compound leg fracture. She didn’t have her phone, so she had to drag herself up the steps in order to call for help. I’ve always held on tight to stair railings after what happened to her.
Bipolar Lawyer. Feel the pain, motherfuckers.
People in rural Ohio either don’t know or care about Trump’s history in New York. As a matter of fact, him being hated by coastal elites was a plus to them. To them, he was the masterful boss on The Apprentice. A guy would would obviously fire all of the bad people in Washington and get rid of Mexicans Who Are Taking…
Yes, it sounds like they gave not a shit about local organization. I heard simple things, like the campaign wasn’t paying for paper and pencils or buying pizza for volunteers.
Also, the mealy “beard” and his mystifying walk: he rocks from side to side, like an anthropomorphic cartoon armoire.
“This sparked an altercation captured on a security videotape. In the video, Harlins places the orange juice back on the counter and turns to leave”
This guy is running a sweet little grift too. He raised $12k in funds for a huge (b&w photorealistic) mural of Michelle to be put on the wall of a school, without checking to see if it was OK with the school. The currant mural is a tenth the size of the original. I suspect he does this b.s. to pocket the extra cash.
My BIL married a Chinese woman whom he “courted” along with three other women. All of them were in such financially and socially difficult situations that they did the pick-me dance for a chance to wed a mediocre American.
I think it was Rebecca Solnit who suggested that an appropriate answer to this question would be “Because I’m really good at using contraceptives.”
Those cool badges prompted me to look up the ones from my era. I wonder what “Gypsy” was for...