
The victim was Robert Godwin, Sr. He was returning home after having an Easter meal with his children. He was 74 years old.

As a Chicagoan, I regret to say that is a completely unremarkable outcome from an encounter with the CPD. They usually don’t get filmed, however.

She’s too cool for Coachella, and I knew that before I knew about Mr. Toilet.

I thought that was the house she WILL live in, and the photos are of the real estate staging. I agree about the comments re Gerard Butler’s loft; it looks like a hipster boutique hotel pretending to be a 19th c. Gentleman’s club.

There was just a trial of some idiot who stole an idling delivery truck in NYC and crashed it into a city bus, killing the driver. I presume delivery drivers leave trucks idling because it would be hard on the engine to complete stop and start it 40x a day. It seems like there needs to be some way to disable a

Extra cash and family hell avoidance. That’s a win-win! Hope your husband is better, as well.

My MIL is insufferable. (This is an opinion shared by her children) There is nothing I or anyone else can do to tame her worst tendencies. Being stoned or drunk is helpful.

“Over all, almost one in four of President Obama’s 2012 white working-class supporters defected from the Democrats in 2016, either supporting Mr. Trump or voting for a third-party candidate.”

I’ve always felt he was a closet-case or “ex-gay.” In any event, I doubt he’s paid for any girlfriend’s abortion.

Merkin? That’s the only thing that makes sense to me at this point.

Joe Scanlan is real; Ryan Wong is a (presumably) real satirist.

Sure are a lot of white people in that trailer. I did LOL when the hot blond did a rageface.

Someone should introduce her to Dov Charney.

Maybe he saw the real financials. It’s a freaking Ponzi scheme

Weaseleyes only paid her $15/hr, too. I mean, for being a licensed practical nurse.

I like the photo cropping. It would be even better if you took her entire stupid face out.

That’s Holtzclaw-level blubbering.

And still he looked younger...

That movie had the most beautiful men I’ve seen in a “Hollywood” film. Did I just dream the scene where Kevin is looking on seductively, smoking? I may have—it was too sexy to have actually happened.

Yep, I grew up in the 60s never knowing grilled meat could be juicy. My dad was raised BP (before penicillin) in rural Ohio. Meat had to be cured (bacon or ham) or cooked to mummification in order to be safe. Parasites were an issue, too. It was not unheard of to get pinworm and other parasites from undercooked