
There was an unkind (to Clinton) rumor that on election night, when it became clear that Trump was going to win, Hillary tried to choke Mook, and had to be restrained. Alas, he survived and will no doubt burden the Democrats with yet another data driven, low grassroots participation campaign.

I would be OK with an internment camp forAndrew.

Anyone who says that has never owned a cat. Cats are fucking picky eaters. Dogs, on the other hand, will eat dead squirrels, poop, upholstery. And, they’ll eat you if you kick before opening a bag of kibble.

She’s absolutely right. Most of these plaintive calls to “understand” Trump voters seem to come from liberal white males. The most infuriating post in my Facebook feed was by a white male journalist, who said that using the terms “mansplaining” and “whitesplaining” were the kind of divisive rhetoric that was driving

Nina Simone-defiling troll. SHUT. UP.

Newt Gingrich just tried to float that comparison to David Remick of the New Yorker. On the podcast, Remnick could hardly contain his derision.

I hope this wasn’t bestiality by proxy. I mean, I let him do it.

I had a cat who used to masturbate when he was on my lap. Not every time, but he’d occasionally look soulfully into my eyes, and show me his tiny kitty cock. Then he’d go to town.

Well, enjoy your 15 minutes, shithead.

It’s officially no longer a political faction. It’s a cult.

That’s Pres. Fox’s “Taco Bowl.” When you dis someone while ostensively showing respect.  

I live in Chicago and am a little disturbed by the international coverage of this crime. I just heard it on the BBC, for chrissakes. Is it the Facebook live aspect, the anti-Trump taunts, or the fact that the victim was mentally disabled? Sadly, I think it was because the crime was a Platonic ideal of Black-on-White

He killed the shit out of that lake.

My fantasy would be to follow him until he parked and add a sticker that says “I’m a eunuch” under it.

Same age as you. I went through a brief period of sadness over losing the automatic attention given to younger women. Then, I noticed that I was not invisible to all people, only to those who use others to fulfill selfish needs. I was invisible to men with poor self-esteen, men who only wanted to get laid, women who

I’m not sure how someone who has one black great-grandparent and seven white great-grandparents could be accused of consciously passing. They are likely to be visually judged by strangers as being white.

I have a coworker who is usually ID as Latino: he has an olive complexion and dark, wavy hair. He’s Black. He is privy to a lot of racist asides that white (and some latino) people think are OK to share with their own.

If a meteorite struck the guest section of the Trump inauguration...

Yes, I’m sure your “kids” love it.