Can one of the third party candidates call for a recount? I wonder what the legalities of this are...
Can one of the third party candidates call for a recount? I wonder what the legalities of this are...
Check out her Twitter feed to see her doing a non-ambiguous Nazi salute. Via plastic surgery, skin lighteners and blue contact lenses, she’s been migrating toward a Barbie Aryan aesthetic, so maybe white nationalism is the next logical step.
That is a good meme. The Matrix is a good movie.
Liberal policy wonks sure love them some teeny-tiny eyeglasses. Those are smaller than Lawrence Lessig’s.
I just want to follow up by saying there are progressive people in these counties (my family members among them) and they deserve our love and support for living among these irrationally angry bible and gun huggers.
Amen! You nailed it. I grew up in a mixed rural/suburban county in Ohio that went heavily to Trump. I would like to add that progressives who pen hand-wringing missives about needing to “get out of our bubble” and understand these voters should SHUT THE FUCK UP. The reason there are urban blue islands is in part…
That pic-it’s like only Melania and the Secret Service agent know this is a dumpster fire.
I finally read that article-it really made my blood boil.
“I won Iowa not because the demographics dictated that I would win Iowa. It’s because I spent 87 days going” door to door, visiting diners, shaking hands and kissing babies.”
I like that you made a Stein voter cry.
Just make him watch this
Holy shit, anybody else see this?
Yeah, armed militia members demanding to see brown people’s papers. Deja vu Germany, 1939
He can duck like crazy, tho
I honestly don’t know how a black person remains sane in such an environment. Kudos to you for keeping together so long.
Ashley, please ungrey me. I’m very good and funny and clean. Moderately clean.
He looks scared. Glad he is joining the rest of us.
Jesus, I’m so sorry. You were failed by all of the adults in this.
I ungreyed you because you corrected me in a civil fashion. Thank you.
It does mean something: that a majority of voters chose Hillary Clinton. It’s a way for us to understand that half the country is with us, regardless of the Electoral results.