
“Boner boner boner, boner-boner; e.g. Boner.”

He was dating a 19 year-old during the first trial.

True, there are profound ethical issues with this case. However, most of the commentators here seem to be preoccupied with the age of the surrogate. That is apparently not a significant barrier.

It’s happened before. Here’s another case where a 61 year-old was a surrogate for her living daughter, who couldn’t carry a viable pregnancy:

I should be awe-ing at the cute kitty, but I’m pissed off at yet another portrayal of a thin, conventionally attractive woman and an overweight man. Apparently fat girls don’t get sexytime, even in pet food ads.

What I always thought was bizarre about Fountain Square is how they razed every historic building on its perimeter. It’s like an elaborate, Beaux Artes fountain was parachuted into the middle of a 70s era office park.

What about the Oldenberg Cherry?

SF don’t need no wall

They’ve fixed it up! It’s a ruined ruin!

Giant, unhealthy baby.

One unexpected dynamic of AirBnB is the introduction of white and asian people into primarily black and latino neighborhoods. I think white Americans are mostly too timid to stay on the west side of Chicago, but Europeans, not so much. I found this listing in Garfield Park (a pred. Black, low-income area) where French

One question I always want ask these “drunk rapes happen” apologists: then is any unconscious woman fair game? I mean, if you’re under general anesthesia, is it OK for a doctor or a med tech to finger you and dry hump you? I mean, if you can’t consent and can’t remember it, then it’s the same, right?

Yeah, based on her description of abrasions on her hands and the pine needles in her hair, he dragged her inert body by the feet into a more hidden spot where he could rape her.

One of the rescuers said he was smiling after they tackled him, like it was a big joke. I commend their self-control.

Also, knowing that he was getting away with assaulting an unconscious person, he was going to avoid (so he thought) DNA evidence by fingering and dry humping her. If those two grad students had’t caught him, he probably would have gotten away with it.

I went to Kohl’s a couple of winters ago to get a new winter coat. Black and this color were the only options.

No shit. Get out of the Race to Nowhere and start being You.

I didn’t go that far, but I did flunk a couple of classes because I just stopped showing up. The instructors were men who liked to humiliate and intimidate students. If it happened today, I would give back everything they dished out and more, but it was too much for an 18 year-old girl who had been indoctrinated to be

There’s also the aspect of simply viewing other human beings as living Fleshlights that are inconveniently attached to personalities and brains. Incapacitating a victim removes those impediments.

I was just thinking about the beer-pong rapist. He roofied young guys during games of beer pong and “helped”them by taking them home.