
We should all brace ourselves for the mighty river of withheld Transpee unleashed by Obama.

Yeah, a guy I knew in college—I’ll call him “Eric,” tried to put his hands down his sleeping roommate’s underwear. She was supposed to be his BEST friend! She forgave him, unfortunately. Fast forward a few years and they both moved to LA and took a ceramics class together. The class had a party, during which their

This guy is just a sleazy grifter. A journalist in Austin looked up his “church” address using his nonprofit 990 form. It’s in a residential luxury high-rise. I hope he’s charged with fraud and racketeering.

The Arcata (CA) Eye used to have a most excellent police blotter column.

It’s probably John Grisham. I’ll bet on it, if someone wants to make this interesting.

John Quinones needs to be pranked, hard. For months...

I have to agree. I would not have intervened in most cases because they look fake as hell, anyway.

The bars at WF seem to be quite popular on Friday after work, I’ve noticed.

Which is actually spelled “trawling,” but it has been misspelled so often that I suspect that “trolling” will become the standard spelling for both eventually.

Brilliant. You are absolutely correct.

White people should use it, never...well, maybe contextually, in print. It would be difficult to write an academic article about slavery without using actual quotes from the period, for example.

It’s true. My SIL is chronically underweight and breastfeeding drained what little extra fat she had out of her body. She actually lost her facial cheek fat! She has had a few tense moments with medical professionals who think she must have an eating disorder. She has a great appetite; her body just doesn’t want to

I saw a BBC special “Why are thin people not fat?” a couple of years ago. They reproduced an experiment from the 60s where “naturally” thin people were asked to eat an excessive number of calories in order to gauge differences in weight gain and difficulties losing the weight afterwards. The thin people all lost the

I have a bigger problem with him talking (not singing along, but chit-chatting) over the music. I fucking hate people who do that.

I also find Jordan Peele adorable, so this is a DO NOT MISS.

Yeah I had a guy who did that, also a yellow tabby. He’d also lift his little arms up like “Pick me up pleeze!”

Amen. Nearly all of my grandmother’s immediate family died from forms of TB. Her brother was permanently crippled by tuberculosis of the bone. My great-uncle died, at age 18, of the long-term effects of rheumatic fever he suffered as a small child. My father’s entire family came down with influenza in 1918—it was a

I blocked my husband. Mostly because I find his behavior on FB incredibly embarrassing.

Fuck, I’d love to block my mom but it would cause a war.

Make better privacy settings, FB. My mom and my weirdo sister joined, and that was the end of personal sharing for me. FB makes it too difficult to wall off content. My sister has started “liking” everything I’ve expressed an interest in, and also following up with inane comments on any page or news item I’ve