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    I am on a regular dose of Sertraline (I believe you Americans call it ‘Zoloft’?) and can attest to the fact that you’d have to take a fucking horse-tranquilliser dose to be affected that quickly. Diazepam on the other hand - yeah, I totally space out and sleep for hours on that shit.

    Ditto. I’ll add it to my ‘what a thoughtful gift’ response to terrible presents and the more generic ‘I’m sorry you feel that way’ when someone is trying to start an argument.

    Aww. I used to low key flirt with a guy who was 10-15 years older than me. Nice guy. He asked me out ‘for coffee’ a few times but I was always too shy and a bit worried about the age gap (I was in my early 20's at this point and wasn’t remotely ready to settle down, and I was worried that at 35 he’d be looking for

    Maybe - although I always took it to be a crude reference to pubic hair - as though likening a lady’s ‘au naturale’ mons avec pubes to a growling monster.

    LOL I thought the exact same thing. I thought it was a crude reference to getting shit-faced. Not sure why she’d be referencing her lady bits though. Cognitive Dissonance ftw.

    Oh I don’t know - Computer Science guys are entitled know it all douchebags. Ask me how I know...

    That doesn’t sound like a terrible date - I’d have laughed too and because I like animals the sense of humour would have broken the ice I think. If it’s any consolation you’re probably a memorable date for her and she probably doesn’t think it was a bad date.

    LOL Ex-dates getting mad at your Facebook comments is funny as fuck - I went out on a blind date with a Nurse once, it was just awkward as fuck and went nowhere, but because he was ‘friend of my sister’s best friend’ there was a bunch of ‘friendship politics’ going on so when he friended me on FB I wasn’t really

    I’m very shy. I was totally into him, but his worrying about his height really bothered me - I felt a bit self conscious about being too tall, and he was always kinda going for kisses and stuff, which I liked, but was self-conscious about in public.

    I’ve never actually been on any GOOD ‘dates’ as such. When I met my husband, we were raiding in WoW and he thought I was a ‘squeaky-voiced 15yo boy’. When he found out I wasn’t, we chatted a bit and discovered we lived near each other, so we met at a cafe for a friendly coffee and chatted for a couple of hours. I

    As the daughter of a midwife, I have long been aware of and third-hand familiar with the ‘grittier’ side of birth.

    I’d love to see more of Jason Isaacs *cough*LusciousLucius*/cough* but I’m not convinced he’s right for Grindelwald. I personally wish they’d just made Colin Farrell the ‘real’ Grindelwald.

    Adoptive. Not genetically related at all.

    Do you guys not have clauses about ‘bringing the office of the supreme mugwump (or whatever your court system calls it) into disrepute’ that could disqualify this guy from running?

    I don’t think I’m saying that. I think there are other posters that are saying that, I’m pointing out that someone who felt that way was pretty soundly crushed in the comments, and that the general tone of this thread is very much ‘Unless you’re spewing all the hate, you’re a Nazi sympathiser or a Troll’. There is a

    Isn’t wearing a Nazi hat and making a Hitler moustache with a finger a mocking gesture? Wasn’t that kind of ‘skit’ used a lot in comedy shows to mock Hitler? The salute on it’s own wouldn’t be ‘mocking’, but piss-taking the Moustache suggests satire?

    I think @Odins_girl was more of less trying to say the same thing above and got pretty soundly annihilated. The hate train has left the station on this thread and it’s pretty much a case of ‘spew all the hate or GTFO’.

    The mass wedding in the Handmaid’s tale puts me in mind of the group weddings they arranged for the SS Elite.

    Isn’t it also reversed? Or did I misunderstand this? I thought I read somewhere that the Nazi Swastika is a mirror image of the original religious symbol. It makes me so sad that historic symbolism became corrupted and appropriated, and has come to represent the ultimate evil, so that it can no longer be enjoyed or

    Dolphins are not the sweet and innocent animals people think they are - pods of male dolphins will separate a female from her pod and gang rape her while attacking her to prevent her from leaving. They will literally stick their dicks in anything to get off - including (but not limited to) the rotting carcasses of