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    One step closer to flying cars being a reality... Strap some wings on that beast and give it an after-burner and you have yourself an aircraft.

    What a waste of a Tesla :-(

    Although arguably the ‘eye for an eye’ system of punishment would be infinitely more satisfying...

    I hate footwear. HATE it. I loathe socks. I end up with nothing but blisters regardless of the shoe I wear. AND YET I hate exposed feet. It’s so gross. My Husband is a monster who wears his outdoor shoes in the house. I hate it so much. I have a old pair of Croc ‘ballet pump’ style shoes that live in my kitchen that I

    ARGH don’t talk to me about shoes inside the house. I’m British and my husband keeps his trainers on until the minute he gets into bed - I HATE HATE HATE it. I hate that he’s getting ‘outside filth’ all over our carpets. I keep buying him slippers but he rarely wears them. I tried to get him to buy a pair of ‘inside

    This sounds so ludicrous it has to be a prank/fake/hack/etc.

    His eyes look like he’s been smoking meth. I’m glad his appeal has been dismissed, but I wish they’d review his fucking ‘sentence’. It’s a joke.

    He’s responsible for YEEZY.... so....

    This seems like a logical and sensible approach. I, too, would like more information before I can arrive at a decision.

    He seemed a lot more reasonable - he actually appointed the most intelligent person to a position of power....

    I am also in the UK and this seems insane to me - here in the UK it is very very common when a large party dines and drinks to ‘open a tab’, but that just means a card is swiped on the till point and a tab opened. The customer’s card isn’t ‘kept’ at all.

    I’m not even American and this thread gives me life XD

    Sounds interesting - I’ll give it a look. Evolution fascinates me.

    Now, see, if you drag him behind a dumpster, and beat the shit out of him with a baseball bat that is still in it’s packaging, it’s not assault. Because you didn’t take the weapon out of it’s packaging. So it’s not REAL assault.

    I know, right? It’s so annoying - a guy comes and that’s the end of that. To be fair, there is a lot of precedent in nature - the act of sexual congress between male/female mating pairs (I specify this because there are other kinds of pairings and sexual congresses, and other ways of fertilising eggs) usually

    Every time I see pictures of this guy with his dead, vacant stare, I can’t help but feel like he’s a fucking sociopath. Sexual assault is sexual assault, regardless of how many layers of clothes - some rando put his fingers between my legs in a nightclub - just because I was wearing trousers doesn’t mean it wasn’t a

    I came here to say something similar. You can’t condone or altogether excuse his tweets, but it’s not like they were published yesterday - we all do stupid shit and have to face the consequences, but why wait until now? If he was going to face excoriation then he should have faced it at the time.

    Yeah, Cher as grandma is stretching credulity tbh. They might have done better making her the free-spirited Aunt - sister to Meryl totes works. Hell, we could have cast Julie Walters more believably tbh...

    Sadiq Khan has balls of steel. I love it.

    You wouldn’t stay in touch with a toxic ‘friend’, so why should a toxic family member be treated differently? I’ve cut off contact with some toxic family members and my life is all the better for it.