I expect Her Majesty will spend the majority of the meeting looking like she’s been sucking Lemons because Turd-esa May basically sucker punched her by extending the invite before it was approved by the palace.
I expect Her Majesty will spend the majority of the meeting looking like she’s been sucking Lemons because Turd-esa May basically sucker punched her by extending the invite before it was approved by the palace.
Would that make Trump ‘Fat Bastard’? Actually.... nevermind.
I don’t watch horror movies, or even anything war-related. I can’t cope with it. I think in reality, I’d have prepped for purge day by stocking up on knives and arrows for my bow (it’s really hard to get a legal gun in the UK), bringing my pets into the house and fortifying, then hunkering down until it’s all over and…
You’d be surprised. It really really does. Especially freshly spoodged onto the breasts or belly. It looks a lot yellower if it goes via your mouth, a condom or your lady parts.
Admittedly, as a woman-of-pale-skin, I acknowledge that my opinion of this picture is meaningless, but it seems to me that people are reaching for reasons to be offended and projecting their own feelings onto a picture that could be read in an infinite number of ways.
Exactly this. There is a BIG difference between accidentally grabbing someone by the boob if you happen to fall or slip and are flailing wildly (I use this example because my now-husband did exactly this - we were walking together and he slipped at the edge of a ditch and in attempting to regain his footing,…
Oh yeah, the reformed snob that ditched Elle’s ex at the end of the first movie. What do we reckon? Running in opposition?
I think I’d rather see Elle Woods balancing life as a ‘Yummy Mummy’ with a run at one of your State Attorny positions or State Governor.
I get sympathetic thrush just imagining it.
I am due to have a Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (I’m having my Gall Bladder removed) - an actual ORGAN - and that is only being done under day surgery on the NHS.
Let’s be honest, if you go far enough along your family tree, pretty much everyone is related to everyone else.
You realise the irony of saying this about a wedding into the most formal, traditional and antiquated system on the planet right?
Major breach of protocol. The Palace ought to have rounded up her family and installed them in the Tower of London for the duration...
Ack, yeah, the sister is vile.
Urgh. This Megan Markle wedding thing is turning into a farce. I bet her Majesty is wishing she’d not approved the marriage now. I can’t help but feel it’s going to end in tears with dramatic allegations of infidelity and shady attention-seeking siblings. Like Pippa Middleton but on X. The whole thing is just turning…
For me, growing up, ‘Maybe’ always mean’t no. It was a ‘soft no’ though. Like ‘You’re not getting ‘it’ right now, but it’s possible it might be in your future’. Inevitably my child-brain forgot about it 10 minutes later and fixated on a different ‘magic special thing’. So ‘maybe’ worked to prevent the inevitable…
Exactly. I think this is definitely Synaesthesia. It sounds ‘weird’ but it makes complete sense. To me, 25 is ‘cube-y’ and 30 is spherical. Even though 3 is pointy. 30 is an even number. 37 goes back to being pointy (for example). It makes sense in my head.
Omg. I had no idea that this was what synesthesia was. I, too, imagined a psychedelic world. But it totally explains my numbers thing. For me, odd numbers are ‘triangular’ and even numbers are ‘round’. The number 4 specifically is square. I don’t like ‘round’ numbers, I like pointy numbers. My favourite number is 34,…
This makes me sick to my stomach.
When the 50 Shades drivel appears for viewing on Sky Cinema, LeHusband and I make a point of watching it to mock how bad it is. We hate watch the SHIT out of it. 90% of the time we’re looking at our phones playing games or dicking about on Facebook. The insipid breathy voice Dakota Johnson uses for Ana pisses me off…