Does your Wolpertinger linger?
Does your Wolpertinger linger?
Yeah! A resurgence of 80's New Romantic style! So we can all look like Poldark rejects! SWEET!
Have I missed the Phoenix trend? I don’t see the Phoenix on the list....
I would agree - my Grandfather served as a Desert Rat in WWII and his best friend died in an attack. He told stories of how their convoy was in a Sandstorm and they had to stop to repair something. When they rejoined the convoy amid the howling wind and thick sand, they realised the rest of the convoy were speaking…
Although it’s worth pointing out that the German Officer characters in ‘Allo Allo’ were, in fact, the butt of most of the jokes and the entire series was basically a piss take of Nazi occupation of France.
The adverts before the final judging piss me off.
The thing is, ‘Allo Allo’ is a CLASSIC TV show, beloved by the WWII generation and beyond. In recent years, british TV has become a cess pit of politically correct blandness and reality TV shows showcasing the worst people britain has to offer, but many ‘classic’ TV shows are shockingly un-PC - Only Fools & Horses,…
For those seeking to make a point or just generally be assholes, though, there ISN’T a difference because their argument is ‘Well I find it offensive’ or ‘It’s offensive to ME’. The whole thing is sad and ridiculous and I hope the baker in question learns the hard way the cost of bigotry when his or her business fails.
I think the challenge with situations like this, though, is the fact that IF a ruling went in favour of the complainants, it COULD be used to support hateful requests and in the litigious persecution of people when they refuse to accommodate such hate.
Indeed - can you imagine the baker begrudgingly baking them a cake and decorating it beautifully, then the happy couple cut into it at the reception and “Oops, the baker mixed up the Salt and Sugar.” It would spoil the reception and generate stress and bad feeling.
I think you make an interesting point - these situations open doors that can swing both ways. You CANNOT uphold the claim of these specific claimants without opening the door to OTHER situations that are whole orders of magnitude worse. I certainly don’t think the couple in question who simply want a wedding cake to…
May I also add ‘Jason Isaacs’ - especially as ‘Lucius ‘Lucious’ Malfoy’?
Oh yeah - we’ve picked up a few really good value baby items for my Nephew via ‘facebay’ - a couple of bouncers, a door mounted bouncers, an activity bar thing, etc. But the woman I mentioned seems to be turning it into a business - she has crates and crates of stuff - I actually think she is ‘agglomerating’ stuff…
Absolutely! There was that scandal recently about the ‘supersoft leggings’ (LulaRoe?) that highlighted the hefty initial outlay may of these vendors had to stump up. Another thing you see is a the ‘Mums in a minivan’ delivery service - companies like Hermes and Yodel or ‘Amazon Logistics’ employ ‘drivers’ on a…
It’s funny: I was just thinking about this this morning - my Sister has a bunch of ‘Boy’ clothes she bought for her son - stuff covered in Dinosaurs and things, and I was thinking that I really like Dinosaurs, so even if I had a girl I would still use the hand-me-downs (because kids clothes are expensive and they grow…
Because maternity pay and benefits are shit? People are desperate?
I think you’re right - I’m sure I vaguely remember a passage in one of the books in which Ser Davos speaks about how he chose his name.
Ooooooooooooo interesting concept..... Didn’t Jon have a touch of ‘Warging’ experience earlier on or am I getting mixed up with the stuff that happens in the books...
I once got bollocked by my bitch boss for using ‘singing from the same hymn sheet’ - a phrase I grew up hearing. I didn’t CHOOSE to use it deliberately, it was just a thing I’d always grown up hearing.
As I’m not American, may of these concepts (such as Gendered greetings) are already less of a ‘thing’ here in the UK - we usually greet our colleagues/family/friends/spouses the same way: “Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening” or “Hi” or “Hello”, or (as I have taken to doing “Greetings, all”.