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    I’m pretty sure the requirement for Luc Besson to cast ‘winsome young things’ in his movies is less about acting and more about lying back and closing their eyes....

    I started playing this, but found it incredibly confusing and pretty boring since you’d basically send your heroes off to do a quest and have to either pay with in-game-purchasable currency to speed it up, or wait like 100 hours or some shit.

    I don’t understand why Japan seem so comparatively calm about all this.... Regardless of how they may or may not feel about the US, why do they seem so ‘chill’ about the fact that North Korea could obliterate Japanese people with a tiny miscalculation or faulty ordnance? Help me understand? Are they secretly freaking

    Oh what a shallow and vain species we are...

    Oh yeah. Ditto. The repeated phrase just took me out of the rhythm she’s built. But then perhaps that’s the point? To keep the listener off-balance?

    So, regardless of whether these emails are real or not, I have the following thoughts:

    Oh yeah, tightly curled hair is not an exclusively PoC trait - I’ve seen many MANY ‘white’ people with frizzy, ‘afro-like’ NATURAL hair - most commonly people with red or ginger hair.

    I actually quite enjoyed sleuthing out the mystery, but the rape was so unnecessary. Fucking manfeels. I’d have expected better from JKR tbh.

    He is described in the books as ‘looking older than his thirty-five years’

    His hair is described in the books as ‘Pube-like’ and ‘tightly curled against his scalp’ which certainly suggests a racial origin where hair characteristics are ‘tightly curled’, but I think the racism backlash of casting an actor of colour in a role the author has described as having ‘pube-like’ hair was probably the

    Do not speak of the travesty that is ‘Jack Reacher’ in my presence... I become She-Hulk-Levels of angry.

    Ha ha haaaaaaaaa I know, right? I HATE MATTHEW!

    See I pictured an uglier, more rugged, London-accented Gerard Butler

    Ha ha haaaaaaaaaaa yeah, my thoughts exactly! I love the Strike novels too, but he’s supposed to be this rugged, dishevelled man with ‘Pube-like hair’. The ending of the last book DID leave me angry, but I don’t know if my reasons are the same as yours - I’ve never really ‘rooted’ for more than a good working

    Is it true that there are/should be a specific number of pleats (I heard 7?) and that the pleats and the direction of wrapping, and the shoulder over which the Pallu is worn is always the left? Should the Pallu always be long enough to touch the ground? Or is the direction of wrapping and shoulder over which the Pallu

    Absolutely not! This is that crossing of the line between thinking, saying and DOING. I do find it interesting to consider the levels of ‘double standards’ on display though - one of the comics I linked above really struck a chord with me - the girl in the office being complimented by someone she considers sexually

    As a woman, I am inclined to agree, but how many times have you heard other women say things like ‘Mmmm, I’d climb that like a tree’ or ‘He could do me any day’. Sexually suggestive comments to and about people of other genders are not exclusively a Men-about-women thing. Look at the incoherent screaming of hoards of

    Ha ha haaaa I came down to the comments to say the exact same thing.

    Who the fuck is SHE talking about? DT is Wealthy, yes. But Charming and Good-looking? FUCK NO