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    My cat likes to chew on used Q-tips he’s dug out of the trash too! I’ve had to pry more than a couple from his jaws before he swallows them!

    It depends which populations you include or exclude from the statistics. When you consider the ongoing violence in the Middle East, Israel, Palestine, Syria, etc. Or you count GLOBALLY, then absolutely. But those that seek to skew the statistics to fit their own narratives choose to rationalise the data or count only

    It’s the Daily Fail, what more do you expect?

    Police are treating the attack as a terrorist event. So yes, it IS being called terrorism. Terrorism is when you create fear or the titular ‘terror’ as the result of your actions. It’s a racially neutral term. Terrorists are people who seek to incite fear in a population so anyone can fit that description.

    Oh come on, kids laugh at the misfortune of others all the time. They have no filter or social awareness.

    This is an inspiring story of the kind of progressive, open-minded and reasoned thinkers that society as a whole needs to listen to to move forward positively.

    Pretty much. Yay! Capitalism!

    LOL. Kinda puts ‘unpainted Skittles’ into perspective really don’t it?

    The Candy shell over the chocolate of M&Ms (if you can call whatever you have in America ‘chocolate’) is also White. I’ll assume it has something to do with the fact that it is basically a sugar paste. They then paint the top.

    I’m not surprised they were discontinued - they look unappetising. The ‘Chocolate Caramel’ in particular looks like Diarrhoea...

    You make an excellent point. I think this is likely to be a difficult issue to navigate considering the way that globally, cultural images and iconography have been shared, appropriated, and reused. Ancient Egypt is another culture that has evolved. I’m not saying ‘yay, free for all’, but you gotta think about this

    Has anyone ever bitten a Skittle in half? I realise that generally they just get dumped into the mouth with a funnel, but if you bit into one, the mixture of sugar, thickeners and flavourings inside the crispy shell is a white, uncoloured paste. So Skittles are basically white sugary paste painted different colours

    It works for the fundamentalist Christians who don’t want their kids to be taught about Evolution, homosexuality or transgenderism....

    In the good old days, heads on pikes on London Bridge was the way to go.

    I honestly think that was unfair to Cunts tbh... lol

    I would LOVE for Prince Charles to lecture him on Climate. Charles at least can string a sentence together. Every time Trump tries to interrupt him, I’d like a Coldstream Guard to poke him with a Bayonet and yell at him to stop talking and show respect in his best parade ground drill voice.

    As a brit, this is welcome news. But it DOES rob us of our opportunity to confront the BLOATUS (as I will now refer to him in perpetuity) and for the British People to speak for themselves. Instead we are being muffled and others (read: The Lizard Queen, Theresa May) are presuming to speak on our behalf.

    We are all entitled to our own opinion and feeling and I’m no more WRONG in my feeling than you. We just hold different views. I would not feel like my husband raped or violated me if I woke up to find him snuggling and fondling me. It is a liberty I permitted him when we decided to be in a relationship. If I told him

    Firstly: Wow. What a self-entitled fuck.