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    Indeed. So much rugged half-nakedness. Even now Sean Bean gets my lady parts all a quiver... Perhaps it’s the accent - I’m not fond of northern accents but there is something slightly dirty and coarse about his Sheffield brogue that makes me feel all sorts of kinky...

    No - it was strongly implied that IVF was involved because IIRC they had a conversation about Mulder ‘donating’ to the ‘cause’, so to speak...

    Oh yes, I went through the sexual awakening that is puberty to the strains of The X Files theme tune. That pouty, drawly voice, the sexual tension with Scully, my girl crushing on Gillian Anderson, endless hours of Mulder-fantasising... I’m with Lady Grinning Soul - this show is almost exclusively responsible for my

    Her EYEBROWS! Perfection!

    Oh yes a hairy chest is well sexy. My man has a lovely chest rug i enjoy nuzzling

    Lol. I have a very dry and droll sense of humour. Re reading the bit you quoted i have to admit it sounds dreadful but that is just my daft way of explaining myself. By ‘train’ i don’t mean literally i just mean in the sense that when you are with someone sexually you guide them in what you like with your responses:

    A cute guy with a ripped body, a set of morals and a lack of philandering? Pfsha who wants one of them right? Not convinced I’d be able to tolerate the religious aspect, but he’s pretty to look at! I’d expect him to propose though!

    My grandmother didn’t make that decision - she had advanced Dementia - someone else decided for her. I think the point I’m trying to express (badly) is that I don’t think DNRs are a bad thing, but I think they should be decided solely on a very strict set of Quality of Life criteria that are assessed identically

    Does this suggest, then, that perhaps there should be a review of how DNR’s are issued? A recent case came to light in the UK of a Downs Syndrome man of 53 who was admitted to hospital with a non-life-threatening illness, but because of a pre-existing heart complaint (not at all related to what he was being treated

    Yes - the Do Not Resuscitate orders are controversial. I think the defining factors, though, are that in the case of a wanted baby that comes early, there has been no ‘foul play’ on the part of the mother, so it is likely that the baby is very sick or otherwise ‘incompatible with life’ as they put it, so quality of

    Well we have ‘DNR orders’ (Do not resuscitate) applied to elderly or disabled adults based on quality of life assessments, so why are infants any different?

    Murderer - Half lidded eyes. It’s a conspiracy!

    And yet, I do believe that several decades later, the first baby has just been born from a transplanted Uterus. Of course medical science has advanced a lot since the 30’s and however much a transgendered woman may desire the ability to have children, the muscle and nerve infrastructure in the abdomen probably

    It’s interesting to read Jez perspectives on this film because I hadn’t heard anything about it until a Trans friend of mine who is just starting her transition happened to mention that she found herself to be profoundly affected by the trailer. It doesn’t surprise me that I’ve not heard of this film because I’m not a

    I see this facial hair going the way of Mickey Rourke...

    Literally the highest point of Johnny-Depp-Awesomeness. It’s all been meanderingly downhill from there, with a brief upsurge at ‘Captain Jack Sparrow’.

    Isn’t this shit common knowledge? It’s funny how the sales are full of crap you’ve never seen in that shop before and yet was apparently on sale elsewhere? Yeah... Right. No wonder I don’t bother with the sales. That and the crippling anxiety attacks I get from all the crowds.

    An evil thought just occurred to me: BEST BIRTHDAY GIFT EVER for that greedy obnoxious kid who won’t speak to your child any other time of year but invites them to their party for MOAR PRESENTS. Or for the child of that obnoxiously irritating perfect-playground-mum. Win.

    I can’t believe this toy made it past the ideas stage, the testing stage, and the consumer panel - a toy designed exactly like the well known ‘Burr’ method of seed distribution? Because THAT’S not going to be a problem AT ALL... If kids don’t get them in their hair, they’ll get stuck to EVERYTHING - pets, clothes,