Who the hell knows anymore

pretty sure this is the donald...

Btw folks, there’s a conservative troll going around today trying to present themselves as a “never Hillary” Bernie supporter. Some name like “BERNIE FAM STAY WOKE” or something as equally dumb. Don’t bother engaging.

GDubs said that? Shut up! He’s not wrong tho.

The Trumps!? Disrespectful?! Is this her first time seeing or even hearing of them?

Probably fake but I wouldn’t doubt the stupidity of some people.

Hard pass. Murder For Pizza went downhill after they started adding prog elements in the “Box of Infants” EP. And TFTD’s just a Too Many Daves rip off band.

I can’t believe you skipped my all-time favorite: #ToiletMurder

Murder For Pizza, Hot Cup of Poison, BeerTot and Too Fat to Die: this Saturday night at Jimmy’s Punk Rock Palace!

Her liberal use of the word “tots” always

We have more than two parties, so we’re already half-way there. Now we just need to figure out how to get them recognition beyond that.

This country badly needs more than 2 parties. Preferably all less than 50% in power. That way they are always forced to compromise to get anything done.

Hardy is great but Paul Anderson’s Arthur Shelby is the performance of the show, for me.

S3 fell off the quality train a bit, but HOLY SHIT Peaky Blinders is such a dope show. The last scene absolutely petrified me, and I really don’t know what next season is going to look like, if there is one.

How is this surprising? She has a British identical twin!!!

What if we’re already plenty broad?

Another take: Rickon is a fucking idiot, who threw away the chance for Ned Stark’s only legitimate, non-magic son to rule because he didn’t know how to run serpentine.

I’m really tickled by the Eleanor Roosevelt/ Jimmy Buffett mistake. Although it would have been far funnier if she credited Roosevelt with a Buffett quote.

“Hope Hicks” sounds like Trump’s entire campaign strategy.