Who the hell knows anymore

Were you in Ppack or was it someone else at Gawker?

God bless you. I was afraid I was going to have to actually hear him talk.

The GI bleed thing is bs though, right? To me, it makes his whole claim look over the top and I understand why the company let him go.

Ever been in a fist fight? Sometimes it’s better to have a handful of drinks in your system

Absolutely right

As someone who watches football and basketball, but almost never baseball, this whole ruckus looks hilariously childish. He did nothing in the context of other sports. Is baseball really this much of a “gentlemen’s activity”? Are baseball players just a bunch of fuckbois that get their little old feelings hurt this

We watched the 1994 version of The Little Rascals with my 8-year-old niece this weekend. Trump has 3 cameos (he tells the rich snobby kid he’s “the best son money can buy”). When my wife and I flipped out that he was in the movie, my niece said incredulously, “is that really Donald Trump?” as she struggled to accept

Oh, right. Bc it’s conservative. I thought this was because in an alternate universe, pictures Donald Trump’s face should only be used as the logo of a place called Orange County.

“No one eats San Francisco’s famous curry anymore. Sad!”

Slightly surprised they never told anyone about this. Then again, this is, of course, the entire point of a doomsday machine.

Holy shit — Tom Hardy as James Bond would be intense. I’m assuming this bond will just have a lot of silent, seething stares before breaking bad guys necks. No puns. No Roger Moore winks. Just crushing SPECTRE goons all over the world.

Hurray for Nickelback!!

Fantastic point. I will be throwing this back in peoples’ faces from now on. “We NEED these bathroom bills!” “Then we need gun control.” “NO WAY, that’ll only stop people who actually need to use guns from using them, criminals will still do whatever they want.” “Ok, now replace ‘guns’ with ‘bathrooms.’”

Yeah, that’s basically what happened the first time around.

EXACTLY! It’s not even a stretch. It’s exactly what the Good Samaritan is about. It’s just painful when people blame their idiocy on their supposed faith (which tells them to do the exact opposite...).

Glad she also pointed out the impact on your heart. Potassium has a massive impact on our hearts. I once was admitted to the ICU with a really serious infection and a nurse rushed into my room with potassium supplements when they saw how low my levels were. Those suffering from eating disorders can also go into

Almost as bad as That’s so Three-Eyed Raven, in which Max von Sydow just sits in a chair in a black cloak and has labored breathing for 30 minutes.

.... did not know about this... this is awesome. I have to look at multiple windows/programs/documents essentially all day and dragging things around is the worst. Thanks!!

Exactly. The “back on the mat” thing is odd and awkward, but is clearly just about boxing. On the other hand, why is the crowd counting?? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE REF??