Who the hell knows anymore

A strong argument for the people who believe that white people shouldn’t say “woke”?

What did I just read???

Guys like this don’t fuck the willing for one or both of 2 reasons:


#blackboardsmatter #whiteboardsmatter #allboardsmatter

San Jose? That city is a hater of Trump. It’s of Mexican heritage. He’s trying to build a wall to keep that stuff out.

And 100% of orange county.

Shit, The Bay Area!

I think “Donald Shit about the Bay” is British children’s book.

I don’t imagine you have to look much further than the owner’s box to find what’s in the intersection.



Nate Silver, if you are reading this, I would love to see the Venn Diagram of”NBA fans” and “Trump Supporters”.

Donald Trump Doesn’t Know Shit About the Bay Area

I believe in economy of words. You’ve got four extra in the headline.

My guess is the NCAA comes in with a tough penalty that is legally flawed and based on a completely incorrect set of facts. Baylor appeals and the NCAA drops the penalty down to something minor. Baylor gets its program back, the NCAA claims it tried, and then this is repeated for the next schools that get caught.

I hate Baylor* and believe they should disband their men’s athletics programs. However, fuck the NCAA. They have no moral high ground and they should not come in and try to be the white knight in this shitstorm.

Aren’t South Asians Caucasian?

If you subscribe to the idea that it’s a Hitler reference, wouldn’t that mean he must have been hate watching the Bee, given that the winners (from what I’ve seen at least) are almost never Caucasian?