
White Stripes tour = Jack White + Meg White
Jack White solo tour = Jack White + large band

Ugh. Sufjan's vocals sound like they'd be really good if they weren't auto-tuned to death.

So how about that Demi Lovato performance? That was certainly a thing that happened.

Ghost Trick fuck yeah

I went back and checked out the comments for King Night. What a hilarious nightmare.

Yes, but how completely will this game ruin my friendships? This is important.

Anyone else seeing the genuine fear in Jimmy's eyes?

They were testing in a bomb disposal range they've used in something like 50 episodes with no issue. All safety protocols were followed, but sometimes shit just happens.

It's like opposite-Atlas Shrugged, in that while Atlas Shrugged shows a dystopia caused by socialism, Bioshock shows a dystopia caused by objectivism.

It manages to have my favorite musical guests, though.

Sounds like a plan to me. I appreciate what MBDTF does for mainstream hip-hop, and I did like it a lot. I think it's a really great hip-hop album, but not particularly revolutionary or mind-blowing (but I won't shit on anyone who thinks that it is).

I just think it was a badly sung song with an overly-indulgent second half. I do think it was mostly well-written, had a great melody and great production, but for a nine-minute song, Kanye's delivery made it all kind of obnoxious to me. I probably would've liked it a lot more if it had been cut down drastically.

I like his stuff, but I'm going to have to agree. MBDTF especially was enormously overrated (and I do like it a good bit). Runaway had no business being the "huge epic centerpiece" and "Yeezy taught me" is one of the biggest momentum killers I've ever heard.

H8R from this season, and an episode of Glee from last season. I'm sure there's more somewhere. Today, Todd VanDerWerff explained an F as something being so horrendously bad that it's fun to watch.

Since there's pretty much no chance of the writers redeeming this show at this point, I agree, they need to go all out stupid for Season 7. I think it's finally time to unleash Cyber-Doakes

I understand your point, and I would be totally okay with that, but my issue stems from Ramona being an actually developed and interesting character in the comics.

This is pretty much my problem with the film (which I still liked a lot). Ramona didn't feel like an actual character for a second in the movie, just a plot device. Also, I think the pacing in the second half of the film was really sloppy. I watched the movie four times in theaters (thanks to good friends being in

Stories of PETA's exploits give my dull life some hilarious color. May they never change.

I love OTC so much, and I'm going to go apeshit whenever they put out their new album.

Well, I'm referring to tracks 1-19, which is the actual album. Everything else is listed as bonus content, though no less essential to the collection as a whole.