
It may be incomplete, but the Smile section of the collection is absolutely phenomenal. And Cabin Essence remains unbelievable.

That's gotta be the most horrifying smile I've seen since Michele Bachmann

I think his love of Miley Cyrus, Kelly Clarkson, and Jesse McCartney meets the general notability.

It depends on the person, really. I might get dissatisfied on a small scale (like a certain game not getting localized or something), but personally, I can barely keep up with the good games this year. I'm currently in the middle of four games, all of which came out within this past month, and I'm in LOVE with ALL of

Uh. I'm not exactly seeing where the "collaboration" in the song went. This might as well just be a Skrillex song

I am one who believes that Adele has a lot of talent and a great voice and uses both of these to make some incredibly boring pop music.

I enjoyed Roger Ebert's review. Three and a half stars. Loved it. Said it was wrong, wrong, wrong, and takes a couple of shots at Emmerich.