
Considering some games don't even have 3d cockpits, we'll see how potential OR support works out

Holy shit. I actually still have my pd vita box with the receipt from gamestop. i guess I lucked out this time. :)

GIFs use color lookup tables to store pixel color values. If you have a lot of variety of colors in a wide range, it'll look like garbage. Titanfall has a very narrow color range and thus works better with the 256 color limit.

TL;DR you shouldn't expect quality in gifs

Honestly if Sony doesn't go that route for the vita's sequel I'm going to be very upset. The K1(or k2 by the time it comes out) has the graphical power of a ps3, low power consumption, can run android with all of its media apps, and actually has a browser that's not complete shit.

or a republican in California. You get used to it :(

I never knew that it was actually coded into the game. I thought it was just a psychological effect of having a stereotypically peaceful leader do aggressive things.

Nothing in this article is about actually saving images. Stop trolling.

The original xbox and 360 had powerPc cpu architectures where the processor is designed and operates in a completely different way than a pc. The PS4 and Xbone are both x86 and as long as their successors stay on the x86 platform we can expect backwards compatibility equivalent to PC gaming. The only reason consoles

There's a whole Assassin's Creed game with a strong female lead. Go play that

They are still shipping physical discs and those discs aren't even close to full. By including mp as a patch they can spend an extra month+ on making the maps nicer and playtesting them. If they forced themselves to include it on the disc, they'd have to have everything turned in to QA before they went gold. Also I

Its not the end of the world, its just the colonization of a new one. You can win a space race victory as a totally peaceful country.

PC, and not just any regular pc. You'll need a high end gaming pc built with parts that haven't even come out yet to play it at full fidelity. They're really embracing the power of PC by creating a visual and computational program that absolutely needs the horsepower. This is not an attempt to block out casuals and

All ships are just rewards for backing the game's development. All ships(except for one limited exclusive one) will only be able to be acquired via playing the game when the game is released. You can spend $35 like I did and get the complete single and multiplayer experience and be able to fly every ship in the game

No Man Sky and Star Citizen are completely separate kinds of games. You can't really compare the two. NMS is also on consoles and is limited based on their horsepower while Star Citizen is aiming for late 2015-2016 Top of the Line PC hardware that is easily 5-10x more powerful in raw pixel pushing.

You can plug in a ds4 with usb and use it just like that. The drivers show it as a 360 gamepad but the trackpad acts like a mouse. Great for navigating server browsers in shooter games without ever touching the mouse.

We need to take into account that Notch is a giant idiot who does many stupid things. It makes no sense for him to sell to microsoft but he might do it just to prove that yes, He is a giant douche. Also Microsoft would be idiots to buy this studio. There is absolutely no extraordinary talent there and there isn't an


Just get a playstation tv for every room. They exist solely to serve this purpose

In the EU there are a few planets/environments that make repulsorlifts inoperable. Also repulsorlift craft aren't good at clearing through rugged terrain. The AT-AT was designed to give long visual range and impressive cross country capability. Also it was primarily a transport walker, carrying a platoon of

Shareplay is like PSNow or remote play but for ps4. YOur console is playing the game and sends the stream to another person's console. They send thier ds4 input over the internet to your ps4. Therefore they can play a game they don't own sincce the game is on their friends ps4 still.