
What’s the difference between a Nintendo and my smart phone or tablet?

That is really my biggest objection when seeing articles like this. It is easy to say “my concept should cost much less” or will weigh less or perform better because of common sense or logic. I say, show me your calculations, your numbers, your analysis that support your concept. How can you say your concept will

I’m just brainstorming here.

TYLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You’re back...........

Ok cool story but where is Tyler?

I myself was hoping to start an aftermarket vinyl face sticker business for Model 3 customers... you know, to fund my Model S. >:)

Shadow of Mordor producer Michael Forgey passed away on Friday. He had been fighting an inoperable form of brain cancer. We wish the best to his friends and family.

I was an A-7 crew chief with the 44550th and I think that “cloaking device” has been repainted. I seem to remember it had brighter colors and a radiation warning sticker on it. But yeah, fuel truck drivers probably got the brunt of our false indignation when they got in the area. “See that thing hanging under the

Well done. You get a Clapping Riker!

Chris Christie clearing his colon?

and also, that fucking sucks.

Cool. This is why I play offline.

Great, a B-52.

multi autoplay videos on one page, NOOOOOOOO

You seem like a nice guy who is able to coherently make an argument.

CES is really attracting a diverse crowd

Because it’s so much worse than when an ICE car’s gas tank explodes. I swear, it’s a running theme every time there’s a Tesla post: someone makes a vague, underhanded your-uncle-on-Facebook kind of comment that somehow batteries make these cars more “dangerous” in some way. Come on: “cut loose?” You make lithium-ion

Well the things is, males are STILL the largest video game demographic and I’m talking about games that make money, not mobile. Who is there from the games media who is a woman, who is qualified enough and well-known enough to put on that stage? We’re NEVER going to have equality in video games because unfortunately,