
It works for any game. If a game has local coop then they can join as if they were sitting next to you with their own ds4. If you are playing a game, you can give a friend control of your screen over the internet. So for singe player games, only one person can control it, but they can be anywhere. For coop both people

So build units and destroy the enemy base? Because wargame could be called an rts too.

is this going to play like a more traditional RTS or a RUSE/Wargame strategy game

At one point, Microsoft had made the largest order of macs ever in Apple's history. Every early 360 devkit was a mac

Some people complain about how Nathan Drake is a gung-ho adventurer who, during cutscenes is emotionally affected by every violent act he sees, but during gameplay murders thousands of people while making wisecracks. Its a disconnect between the story and gameplay. Personally I love Uncharted 2, but some people can't

I've had something similar happen to me after playing grand strategy games. When I finally go to sleep, I can keep playing in my head, with the whole map and all my units going about their moves. It usually lasts 30 minutes or so until I fall asleep. I sometimes dream about the game but other times my dreams

Sony has a variation of the onlive peeking ability with the Live with Playstation app. You can watch anyone who chooses to stream their game.

You don't fully understand the development process of KSP. I joined the community back on 0.07.6. The good old days when the planet didn't even rotate and landing on the dark side of the planet instantly exploded you. HarvesteR and Squad were dedicated to working on the game, implementing new features, and keeping the

EA said you can pay $30 for a year upfront

You can actually just fly through it if you're careful enough

You can actually go over it in a pike. I literally didn't get off mine until the temple

I played through the mission twice and I was as surprised as you the first time. The second time, I threw my pulse grenade that periodically explodes after I threw it. What was cool is that it killed the initial group of thralls, and the remainder stood back and waited while the grenade ran out of energy, then they

The fact that the moon has the same gravity as earth was quite annoying for me. I mean, we do have the ability to super jump and basically fly around, and I could see how if those abilities were amplified 6x it would start to get ridiculous, but come on! I want to boundlessly moon jump!!!

There was also a completely different temple! After finding the dead guardian and traveling to the next objective, before you get to the checkpoint/chokepoint the fallen set up with their pikes, there is a domed building with a few guards. Go inside, kill the captain and the back of the building is blown out. Theres a

Its basically a tablet as powerful as a ps3. You can plug it into your tv and get all of android's media options, mobile games and higher quality tegrazone games. So its a portable console, a powerful tablet, and a media device in one. All relatively cheap for a tablet.

Spore when it was revealed was amazing, incredible, jawdropping, etc. Spore throughout most of its preview cycle was still al lof those things. It was only the last year before release when things began to finalize that the idea of Spore, the everything game, died.

She is allowed to have her opinion, but as we have seen in many many cases on a variety of topics, people in positions of publicity(people who can reach a large audience) have to be careful with what they say and how they say it. They have much more influence than someone discussing a topic in their living room with

PC Name: RedBeast

Adobe doesn't care about individual users, pirates or not. They are concerned with companies and organizations that buy new licenses in bulk year after year. They are also the only realistic targets for antipiracy lawsuits