
Think of it like this. The CPU is running the OS and any other programs. If the OS is running the CPU is running and using power. In order to safeguard against BSODs the psu must have enough power for the maximum power use of the CPU at all timed.

The cloud computing aspect is bullshit. Almost all gameplay functions cannot be seriously replaced with cloud computing due to lag. Also any developer or publisher, such as Sony, could just buy Amazon Cloud servers without needing to set up their own infrastructure

I don't understand how this game became a CoD killer in everyone's mind? It looks Ok. Nothing here is mindblowing. It looks like CoD with mechs. The movement aspect was already done with Brink and we know how that turned out. Its as if the media decided "This game is better than CoD" and everyone just jumped on board

That doesn't affect power usage

The OS doesn't affect power draw. The CPU, GPU, Motherboard, RAM, and HDD use power. The power supply needs to have a max rating greater than the maximum power draw of all of these components or else the system will crash at full load(playing a graphically intensive game). 450watts seems small for all of these

What does that have to do with it?

“I was nervous,” admits David. “I was just hoping she would accept. You just don’t know. They might find you weird or bizarre — ‘these bloody French people! Are they crazy or what!’”

I fucking hate how EA calls the 8th generation of video game consoles "Gen 4". Consoles existed well before you existed EA, and will exist long after you're gone

Will World of Warcraft still be alive in 2015? It has started its slow decline and all it will take is one or two revolutionary MMOs to gut WoW once and for all.

It may run poorly but once pc hardware has advanced enough to brute force the game, it will become the definitive version just like GTA IV was

They might also have problems with their matchmaking code. It might be designed to handle 5 million players but breaks down after 2 million. These things can't be tested for and no amount of hardware horsepower will solve them

Many people have bought it on console and can't wait for the pc version to come out with mods for new vehicles, missions, characters, weapons, etc. Also the graphics will be better since Level Of Detail can be tuned to more powerful hardware. Plus since PCs have more powerful CPUs, the density of traffic and

CoD has xbox live servers to match up players and uses your own xbox to host games. They have as many servers as they have players so they don't run into this problem. GTA Online uses dedicated servers running Rockstar Social Club so their server numbers are limited

CoD has xbox live servers to match up players and uses your own xbox to host games. They have as many servers as they have players so they don't run into this problem. GTA Online uses dedicated servers running Rockstar Social Club so their server numbers are limited

While that is a reasonable end goal, I think it is highly unlikely.

If the Steam Machine is a streaming only box, it probably won't be able to run games on its own. It will be cheap though , around $100, but will compete with the Vita TV.

If the Steam Machine is a small form factor pc, it will have much greater power

They made Dota 2 and Coutnerstrike : GO

Have you used analog sticks on a map before? They suck. If a game map works as well as google maps on my phone then this will be a huge improvement

Try upgrading your skills. You drive like a drunk in the beginning of the game but when you get your driving skill to 100, it is much more precise. Same with shooting

Next gen is a common, useful term that has helped describe the evolution of consoles since their inception. Just because you think these new consoles aren't cool/new enought/etc doesn't mean they aren't the next generation of home game consoles.

Have you used analog sticks on a map before? They suck. If a game map works as well as google maps on my phone then this will be a huge improvement