Venerable Monk

I can see that. There wasn't much context for Limbo beyond "gotta find that sister, I guess." Inside pretty much ditches that problem by presenting a narrative that you'll probably want to see through to the end.

What bugged you about Limbo?

I do still play! I'm VenerableMonk27 on PS4 (and pretty much everywhere), and I generally play a couple nights during the week after 5 pm (central) and the odd weekend.

Yeah, it's easy for folks to get strung along chasing a kill and lose sight of the rest of the team, especially in solo queue when no one is communicating. (I've been super hesitant to join voice chat with strangers, so I wouldn't know if things get any more coordinated at my rank when folks are actually talking to

D.Va's a legit choice! (I'm right around a 75% win rate with her, which is my best hero in that category). I absolutely love denying enemy ultimates with her defense matrix. It seems the higher I rise in the ranking, the less effective self destruct becomes, because people are better at hiding from it, but she

Oh man, you get so much more puzzle out of The Witness now that you found that spoiler-tagged bit! Enjoy!

I've been playing lots of Mini Metro too! I like playing it with headphones, both for the soothing music each metro makes, and for the gentle aural notifications that I'm fucking something up. I only recently realized that you can make loops, and now I have to go back to all the cities to see if that will help me

So much stuff to talk about! I'm a certified member of the Gravity Rush cult, so I'll be picking that one up for sure. I saw some game footage at Best Buy the other day (in search of a Toad Amiibo), and I was thoroughly impressed with the visual improvements. Of course, jumping from the Vita to the PS4 will do that.

I just saw 13th over the long weekend, and it got me thinking about this conversation. Among the many important messages from the film was that "we're all just people" is not an idea that's going to spring into being just because some individuals believe it in their hearts.

I'm of a mind that the major developers are only going to keep making diverse games if they think it's something players want. And a great way to let them know that it's something we want is to talk about how much we appreciate it in the games that are already out there. There's a loud contingent of white men who

And I just had a "food fight" mode idea. Time to go tweet it to @Overcookedgame!

As great as Overcooked is, can you imagine how crazy/broken the game would be if they included a "throw" mechanic? I can see my gaming group being way less successful, even in the kitchens where throwing stuff across gaps would cut down on waiting time.

I was wondering whether that would be a viable strategy. Do you know if it holds up with the addition of the royal contraband goods? They seem like a means to give sneaky folks more of an edge, but could backfire when playing against a particularly nosy sheriff.

Truth. I was only able to solve the tougher ones by drawing out possible solutions on my tablet. There was no way I was going to hold a mental picture of four plus pieces in place in order to draw the correct line.

Oh yeah, and I suppose I bought Inside and Oxenfree last week, so we'll retroactively call those "presents to myself". I haven't touched Oxenfree, but I've already done everything there is to do in Inside. You all should play it and come talk to me about it in the next WAYPTW! It's definitely the holder of the

I was gifted Sheriff of Nottingham, which is an interesting "betting and bluffing" type board game. You're a merchant trying to get as many valuable goods to market as you can, but some goods are illegal and the sheriff is trying to confiscate them! Of course, the illegal stuff will net you the most profits, so you

Hey! Thanks for liking my words, both this time around and throughout 2016. I know it's said often, but we really have a great community going here. I only have the best expectations for our nice little corner of the internet in the coming year.

I think that's also why Bond movies have seen some fairly decent game adaptations. Their structure, and the fact that Bond always has an inventory of fun gadgets, lends itself well to an action game.

I think the big disconnect in this thread is what we mean by an adaptation that "did it better". If we're talking revenue dollars, profits, or audience numbers, then hands-down comic book movies are king of the hill right now. Sure, you'll get some folks who complain that the movie got this aspect wrong, or didn't

I feel like Overwatch *almost* gets this part right in ranked play. They match you up with random people and you have to vote to stay together. The default action is to split everyone up that did not vote to stay together. The one problem is that it kicks you back to the home screen after every match. It would be