Tina Belcher, burner id lost to history

the most infuriating part of this whole thing is—this moron continues to flail and cajole and bribe and strong-arm anyone, allies and enemies and everyone in between, to ensure he gets re-elected, not because he wants to get re-elected and serve the country for 4 more years, but because he doesn’t want to be seen losin

good god there are not words for how much i despise abbott
that smug fucking asshole acting like ‘oh yeah, that’s what i meant when i said mayors had tools they could use a month ago’

He was a cog in a few machines. None of them good. 

And there are reports of Atlanta PD calling out in protest of Rolffe’s charges. How about we let the justice system work and give Rolffe a trial before throwing a hissy-fit, Atalanta PD.

There is nothing in the world that requires a subpoena to testify, and nothing in the world that requires a formal setting to tell what you know. He didn’t testify because he didn’t want to spoil his book. 

Yup.  On another site I follow, someone begged everyone not to buy this.  If you absolutely must read it, wait list it at the library.  But do not, under any circumstances, give this man money for furthering the goals of this nightmarish administration.  He was a cog in the machine.  Never forget.

Actually, the problem was that Bolton would only testify if he was served with a subpoena to testify before them. Bolton did that so he wouldn’t lose his GOP cred and the House didn’t do that because they didn’t want to have to fight the inevitable court battle if they did so.

He NEVER pays bills. That is his one consistent trait. Besides being a narcissistic racist monster.

FOX actively and purposefully manipulated images of the Seattle protests and the CHOP. They are ghouls.

I do feel bad for Barron! He’s only a kid and his parents are two of the more reprehensible, soulless monsters on the planet. I don’t favor any kind of media attention on his miserable situation. 

And in the six states that have reached more than 1,000 new cases a day, increased testing has allowed public health officials to identify most of the outbreaks in particular settings—prisons, nursing homes and meatpacking facilities—and contain them.

So yesterday the mayors of the nine largest cities in Texas wrote a letter asking governor wheels to relinquish some of his hold on safety measures, seeing as how his justification of loosening restrictions is the fact that there’s still plenty of open hospital beds. It seems that San Antonio found a workaround to the

Yeah, only 750 Americans are dying every single day from this disease. It’s not like thousands of Americans are dying every single day like they were a few weeks ago. Why won’t the media stop fear mongering about this obviously very unimportant thing and start fear mongering about Hillary’s emails?

Schiff already dragged him today, saying he’s no patriot, so there’s that 

Nah. It’s more like Bolton found his bottom, and now he thinks he’ll profit from it.

Lost in the coverage is the fact that today less than 6% of Americans tested each week are found to have the virus.

If the bloodsuckers that sided with Trump in the beginning want to be redeemed they must do tangible good in the world first. Telling on Trump does nothing. It’s been shown, over and over again, that speaking the horrific facts about his presidency does not slow down, deter him, or take away his power.

Get ready to see Democrats grace Bolton with accolades for his honesty and completely absolve him of his cowardice when it, arguably, mattered most. Trump was a corrupt, amoral figure before all of these aforementioned scandals, and Bolton still decided to work for the guy.

No, they’ll most assuredly be worse. Good luck and stay safe!

Eh, if it’s anything like going to any of the local stores, the strangest thing is that you’re going to be wearing a mask while a bunch of grown-toddlers look at you like you’re an idiot.