Tina Belcher, burner id lost to history

Tip if you can afford it. Obligations, Politeness, and Social Standards are completely out the window right now. The focus it to take care of yourself, and then take care of each other. Remember, “secure your own mask first before assisting others.”  If you can tip, please do.  If you can’t, please take care of

Overall I think Governor Whitmer’s response has been mostly good so far, but there are plenty of areas in need of improvement. I don’t see a problem with dealerships being able to sell as needed, with transition to a nearly-all online model, to keep those who need to move moving.

One of the very few benefits of this whole situation is that it’s now totally acceptable to negotiate price/lease with dealerships via email. No longer will every reply be ‘when can you come in’ THANK THE LORD JEEBUS! 

Agreed. My wife and I are lucky enough to be able to work from home and maintain our incomes, and we’re trying to order delivery/pickup as much as possible to help support those businesses and workers. I’ll normally tip 5 bucks on a pizza delivery order, maybe 10 if it’s raining or really cold out. These days, I have

We’re making money, but it’s far less than what it was. To try to spread the hours around I’m down to 4 days a week, and while we used to have everyone stay for the full 6 hour shift we cut two people every day either down to 5 or 4 hours. None of us are putting money away for later.

It boggles my mind that there are people trying to rationalize not tipping because there is “no service.”

We have gotten drive through or take out a few times so far and we are tipping like 25% or more. and it is to support local restaurants that we have been going to forever. my wife is an overnight ER nurse so there is that. If we every get to be normal again we with hit local sit down places HARD to try to do our part

The few neighborhood spots I’ve been getting take-out from are owned by people that live in my neighborhood that have great staff that I know are worried about these times. Definitely being fast & loose with my tipping.

Spot on! People love to talk about how tight knit their communities are and as far as I’m concerned right now is the time to put your money where your mouth is so to speak!

Aside from the fact that I always tip, the last time I got takeout pizza, the guy in front of me was coughing as he counted out six crumpled ones. I paid two twenties for $27 worth of pizza and told her to keep the change. I wasn't touchin' that shit, and I felt bad that she was.

Same as Mr. P: we used to tip our waitperson 20%, but these days we’re more like 25% for carry-out. We want our favorite neighborhood places to survive. “Keep the change” is my mantra now.

Who’s buying? It’s bad enough that there’s a virus still spreading because people aren’t taking this seriously enough. But a third of the population is likely to be out of work before long, and those that are working aren’t exactly going to be comfortable committing to $30k.

Again, like yesterday: first and neutral - ppl got no money, no jobs. They sure as hell wont be out buying cars at anything like weve seen in recent years.

I haven’t exactly been eating out more, but at the same time, I too have been tipping more because I feel for local restaurants and their employees. I usually always tip 20%, but during these times, I have been adding a few more bucks to that. They really do deserve to be treated better.

You tip 1 roll of TP per order. Tip with 2-ply if it is a large order or contactless delivery.

I have been tipping some extra, mostly because my heart breaks for all these small, local restaurants typically dont have a ton of extra cash laying around to survive something like this it seems.

Exactly. I’ve been tipping like 40%+ on stuff, even orders that are mostly packaged foods from the deli. If they’re risking their health so I can stay home, they deserve it.

We’ve been getting takeout a few time a week from the two bars/restaurants in our city where we were regulars before we were all forced into our homes full time. Partly it’s to break up the monotony of being in the house and gives ourselves something to look forward to, but it’s also to support these places that are

I’m not eating out much and when I do it’s like a panini or a hoagie or something. I’ve basically been giving a $20 on a bill that’s $10 and change and telling them to keep it.  Support your local eateries by tipping a load!

Housemate #2 is awful. Of course you should be tipping more than you normally would for takeout right now. A full 20%+ is absolutely warranted given the risk. And if you’re so myopic and stingy that you can’t bring yourself to do it for moral reasons, do it for selfish ones. You want your favorite restaurants to still