Velvet Von Black

It’s real old-time Hollywood gossip columnist-speak and I love it, too.

YUP. My mantra for flying may have to be “be like the cat” next time. (But really we have no clue how much it was freaking the f out internally. Probably cool as a cucumber though. I don’t think cats have the state of consciousness that lets them try to calm themselves externally as they wig out internally like we do.

If you want to add a bucket of burnt hair to it, I mean I probably will pass on having some, but: do what you want.

There waiting for the next reason to blame Alzheimer’s by then.

And why would shutters be such a big deal? It’s a huge, gorgeous house by a lake in Italy, AND it has shutters! Like wow, shutters! Ain’t that something!

Related unrelated story. My dad died about 7 years ago. I got a call from the lawyers on Tuesday telling me that they still had a box of his belongings (not even sure why?) and that they were going through it and thought I would want some of the things. The assistant told me that there was a very lovely photo of my

All of this bullshit comes from our general population’s scientific illiteracy. It’s scary how little students are expected to know about biology and medicine by the time they graduate high school. Most are totally incapable of comprehending how vaccines work. At the end of the year, I devoted two entire lessons to

people hate people who do anything, sweet flower. honestly it got to me for like 5 minutes, and a few years ago i would have been doubled over with nausea from the sadness and anxiety and hurt. it’s a shitty feeling and i can’t make it go away for you and i’m sorry. <3

I’ll bet his beard is toxic.

You see anti-vaccine memes and ads with crying children a lot and I’ve never really understood what the message is supposed to be. Oh, the kids cry when they get shots so I shouldn’t get them their shots? Should I not do anything that makes my kid cry? Okay. Guess I better stop brushing her teeth and rinsing her hair,

My kids were bottlefed with Similac and both vaccinated after two csections I guess as fucked as my kids will be. Cheers.

Don’t laugh at the stock photo of that child. My own daughter was recently diagnosed with shutterstock. She has watermarks all over her face and body, and she refuses to go outdoors.

known for harboring particular concern for the environment or establishment medical practices

Weirdly insulted I'm not mentioned?

Holy shit. This is totally creepy. They’re acting like they’re superior by taking to some forum to shit talk commenters on another blog? Wtf even is this shit?

In the orthodox chassidic community - kids come to wedddings. Period. Large families are the norm - If you’re the youngest of 10 or more children, and all your siblings are already married, and each of them have multiple children, sometimes IMMEDIATE family members can number around 100 people (4 grandparents, 2

Is there seriously a coven of people who thinks you’re not a real doctor? No one has ever questioned that I’m a professor, why is someone claiming they’re a doctor so implausible? There are much better internet lies. “I’m a cake taster.” “I’m a lion tamer’s masseuse.” “I’m the person who names nail polishes.” “I’m


Chang’s backstory was one of the best in the entire series, I thought.

I thought LeAnne and Norma both had entertaining—if not realistic—back stories, but good god, the Norma worship circle annoyed me to no end. Anyone else? Maybe it was just because I binge-watched the season over a few days, but they seemed to have the same argument in every episode, and it all seemed very clunky and