Velvet Von Black

Seriously. And it isn't just weddings anymore. Everyone feels like they can bring their kids everywhere, and flies into an insulted rage if you specify a party or event is kid-free. I work hard, and am forced to be nice (lots of times to children), and sometimes I just want to say curse words or get smashed and not be

It’s certainly not ever a boring profession....

We have amazing beer and cocktails, and we curse frequently. It's a good time.

The Washington Midsummer Renaissance Faire. I don't worry about hate mail, since that all comes to me anyhow. Heh.

Anytime! I can't think of anything more amusing than my Kinja folks being at my job. Hehehehe.

We do have quite a lot of stupid fun at our show. I’d be totally amused for anyone from here to come see it. Hell, I’d give y’all tickets. (Mainly because I know anyone from here would hit my bar and make my money for me three times over!)

But who are we to judge? And again. Don’t take a tart job and whine. You may not “think” he needs to see his cast actually behave like his cast, but this is how he wants to, and he cuts the checks.

Yes. I used to work there.

Fifty?????? Holy shit, I hope that's hyperbole. I haven't had enough caffeine to tell.

Seriously. I would take it and run. And honestly, if you're not comfortable with silly sexual stuff, DO NOT TAKE THAT ROLE!!! It's not sexist to be light hearted and silly. Rose just desperately wants gravitas. Except she doesn't have the talent or nerves to get it.

I have vodka, weed, Red Bull and cigarettes. And a healthy dose of being over this shit. I'm ready. :)

However. Your name gives me such happiness. I do have to say that. It makes me sing the song in my head with new lyrics.

First off, I am going to assume you have never worked in the entertainment business, because yes. When you are the money, the ideas, the writing and the assurance of a movie actually happening, you do get to wear whatever you want and devil take the hindmost.

I have not enjoyed his recent stuff, but The Wedding Singer still makes me smile. In all honesty, I don't even think I've seen the last two, since it all kind of sputtered out for my interest level.

I’m having a hard time being on her side, but for different reasons. Not that yours aren’t good ones. And mine will net me a huge amount of angry comments, but....

I feel so damn bad for those checkers. I've had jobs where I've had to upsell every customer, and it sucks all the dicks of the universe, but Target managed to really ratchet up the misery for their poor workers.

Perhaps I didn’t phrase it right, but note that I did tell her I knew she was being told to. I wasn’t hot and bothered enough at the moment to take it so far as corporate, I just wanted to eat and have a conversation without constant pestering. Managers are absolutely just as boned by the chain restaurant system.

What actually annoys me far more than the chain restaurants that force their servers to pester you every three minutes and try and sell you stupid things you don’t want (else likely, you’d have ordered it), are the goddamn managers checking on you. I’m looking at you, Applebee’s! FFS. I was stuck at a hotel for a week

The best way to handle that is to tell the server you're aware that they're being told to check on the table constantly, that you know it isn't their fault, that you would like more privacy to have a personal conversation, and if their manager gets upset with them, for the manager to come see you. It keeps the server

Seriously. I have weird food issues and eat very slowly, and could care less if my friends get their next course before I do. I don't want to hold people up from their dinners! I would be so embarrassed if my friend got all upset by that.