Velvet Von Black

Western Washington, too. I see people do it to clean the leaves off their walkways and such, instead of just using a broom. I think we are headed right for a drought up here, and seeing rampant waste makes me cringe.

Thank God I live in Washington. The attitude here is getting better and more accepting every day. We still have drug test issues (not convenient to have weed legal but still test dirty), but for the most part, people seem to have figured out that weed really is a good alternative medicine.

I do recall that being the name, now that you mention it. I want to say the other was called a Cement Mixer, but could be wrong.

Oh, I don’t suggest the mat shot would necessarily get you sick, just that it could get your business in big trouble. I have heard of two other fun revenge plans from bartenders, though. The “everything left at the bottom of nearly empty bottles mixed together” shot (ewww, it's amazing what drunk people will still

Back in the day, when I worked at The 50’s Diner From Hell, we were near an Air Force base, and I never got a bad tip from a single enlisted person. And they were polite, and didn't leave huge messes. I loved seeing uniforms come through the door!

All of the stories made me laugh, because I am a bad person. However, I will say that the bar mat shot and the eye drop trick can lose a business their liquor license, and the eye drop trick is regarded as aggravated assault, since one is, in essence, poisoning someone. Most eye drops don’t have that ingredient in it,

Crotch-droppings. That made me nearly spit out my drink. So stealing that term. Many thanks. I needed a giggle.

Brings me coffee in bed, and doesn't make fun of me for singing to our cats, or to food while I cook it.

But does he like Seltzer?

Here’s what I know.

So much self respect that you waste time attacking strangers on the Internet? Lol. The animals I work with are treated like the treasured, adored, talented darlings they are. I'd wager no one in your life treats you as well. So, until you have some experience, wisdom or empathy, I shall cordially invite you to fuck

I feel substandard because my stories are just about ass grabbing orcs, weed smoking Rohan guards and a Danish elf pissing in a hotel lobby plant. Y'all put me to shame.

Say it out loud with a thick Irish brogue. Suuuuure and it’s Fuckbutt McPoorO’Hater, the sheep stealin’ bastard.....

For fuck’s sake. When I'm not working on shows, I clean houses. I make $25 an hour. We can't figure out how to let these poor fuckers make at least $15 an hour????

I'm so sorry, honey. I would be a heartbroken and awful mess to lose one of my babies. I hope you have a better day, and maybe there is another baby just out there waiting for you. Until then, tequila wishes and far away hugs.

I love these. My mom used to take me to UCI when she had classes and I was too sick to be at school. I used to get a NY Seltzer and visit the radio station, where they let me guest DJ. Good times. Very good times.

I published the results on FB. Because I am apparently quite stupid.

Honestly, don’t they know that’s Duggar’s job?

Most basic pill methods are pretty similar and have few side effects. I agree that anything beyond the basic “norm” needs a doctor involved.

Meh. Make it OTC. You can do just as much damage with Advil to your system as you can with basic birth control pills. It also would allow women to have far more control over their health care. People like me. Self employed artists who can’t afford insurance, even under Obama.