Velvet Von Black

I have been in similar smoking “holding pens”. I always feel so tacky, but yes. Without it, I would go on a mad rampage. I think it was either Dallas or Atlanta that I actually paid the $50 for the Delta club, because I didn’t want to go through Security again during my 4 hour layover, and unlike most damn American

It has been interesting to read the discussion of context and male nudity. It also brings to mind something I think should be pondered, which is that the men who do it in a non-comedic fashion are doing so because they LOVE triggering that angry, traumatized response. They don’t imagine they’ll flash cock at you, and

On my most recent flight, they let me on with two lighters and a very vicious little pair of sewing scissors. They never catch the lighters. Or, perhaps they just don't want to incur the ire of cigarette smokers. You don't want to deal with me after a cross country flight until I've fled baggage claim to refill my

I am such a little chicken, I would spend the whole flight freaking out, sure I was just seconds from being caught. I couldn’t believe how different I felt the first time I drove with weed in my purse after we legalized more sketchy drives home praying not to get pulled over.

I actually just discovered Tig (which floors me, as I am a huge comedy junkie), and think she's hilarious. I can't wait to find more of her performances. That's a damn funny woman, indeed.

I flash my tits at female friends with great regularity. Without men around. Because we are silly people and think it's funny.

I've heard some great stories about actors doing exactly that, though. Trying to make each other laugh during serious scenes is a time honored tradition. Farts, butts, silly hats in the background...actors are just sometimes silly people. Combine that with almost no body shame and a filming schedule that bores

Something else to keep in mind here is that Pratt is a performer. I work with performers (and have been doing various bits of performy shit since I was wee), and I can tell you, naked is just not so much a “thing” in that scene. After changing in front of people your whole life, you kinda stop caring. I mean, think

Exactly. I have male friends who think it's hilarious to bare ass each other (and me), but if some guy tried to menace me on the street, they'd rip them to shreds. It's all about the context.

Comedy is comedy. Predatory flashing is creepy.

Sweet dancing baby Jesus Christ. It is almost impossible to fire me up enough to start screaming about sexism, but this is just beyond the pale. This is just...douchery of the worst sort.

I agree entirely. I totally think we need to educate people, but I don’t see the point in taking massive offense at obviously non-malicious/ignorant statements.

I feel like everyone is staring right at it when I try to wear one. Same with red lipstick, for the most part. Closet full of clothes, and I wear the same damn combo of jeans, t-shirts and boots every day.

I actually have a pretty darn flat stomach, am slender, and 99% of those jeans make me look like a sack of fat tied with rubber bands. Fuck those jeans. I vote we steal them all in the dead of night and make one hell of a bonfire.

I think the rule is shit, but I would trade a kidney for lucite heels with a live goldfish in them.

Actually, I’ve spent time with people from many countries and cultures, and been amazed at how nonchalantly people actually will call out flaws or discuss race or nationality. Americans really are the fussiest people in the world about that. Other countries aren’t as preoccupied with being outraged, and aren’t as

Ohhhh....that’s a facepalm right there. Ouch.

One of my best friends was a very Orthodox Jew, so when a teenage boyfriend of mine accused a waitress of “trying to Jew him on the bill”, I went just mental. First off, I had been working food service since I was 12 (family friends had a place, I wanted pocket money, yay child labor!), and second, I had NEVER once in

Makes sense. Grandfather In Law was a Kiwi of Scottish extraction. :)

See, there are just too many innocent mistakes one can make. I think I'll just call everyone Sugartits or Thundercats and just call it a day.