That headline just made me laugh so hard I aspirated Red Bull. Good lord. That made my damn day.
That headline just made me laugh so hard I aspirated Red Bull. Good lord. That made my damn day.
I didn’t know it wasn’t okay to use the term “Oriental” until I was a teenager. I had heard my grandfather use it, and thought it sounded very glamorous and exotic. I was so embarrassed when a Chinese friend of mine pointed out how rude it was...
I try. I'm kind of sarcastic and ridiculous, but I do let them actually have lives and be people. :)
Two related stories. Mr. Von Black’s grandparents visited from New Zealand in the 1980’s, and upon seeing a darling little black girl, exclaims, “Look at that cute little darkie!”. He meant no harm, but had to have it explained to him that NOOOOOOO. Also, when my MIL moved here from NZ decades ago, she apparently…
Been with my husband since I was 17. Have no intentions of harassing kids about marriage or babies. So long as they are healthy, treated with respect and living a happy life, that’s good enough for me. If I need more small creatures to love, I know where the cat shelter is.
This. I am thin, and have anxiety issues that result in me only being able to eat a few bites at a time (my fridge is Land of Doggy Bags and Tupperware), and I am sooooo tired of having larger sized dinner companions make comments. Focusing the whole table’s attention on my not eating, especially when making snide…
Planning on it! Mr. Von Black fancies those movies. I am more about zip lining, smooching keas and pestering penguins. And maybe attempting to surf again, though I usually just look like a total dingus when I try.
My biggest issue planning is how many awesome things there are to do in NZ. Holy smoke., for context. They were what Cavalia based their show off. Grrrr. The pain of a bigger budget. Seventh generation bareback riders. They were/are my favorites to work with.
It’s been one of my favorite things ever. I’m waiting for Gawker to have a good post to respond to! The group I worked with are now on Ringling (because they rock), so I don’t travel anymore. But it was so fun to help them get traction. They're amazing!
I can't even imagine. I won't pretend I could. I am very lucky to get to work where I want to work, and wear what I want to wear. My usual outfit is jeans, t-shirts and dirty riding boots. I can't imagine having to be fancy every day and work in the city. I'm so glad I've had the chance to do it different. Thank you…
Much cuter than the actual Steve.
Everyone has a right to what they feel. Absolutely. It just doesn't fit into my mindset, the anger. Which works for me.
Love to cook. Hate to clean. Especially since I clean houses when my show business stuff is slow. The best maids have the dirtiest houses. Mine currently looks like a war zone, but I have a hell of a dinner planned. :) Win some, lose some.
Perhaps I would have been better served to say “making progress” rather than “winning”. I just mean we are going in the right direction. I do understand I am exceptionally lucky, and do try to help those who aren't as lucky as I am. Also, I'm not entirely white, but I pass as white, so I'll leave that assumption…
I get you. But I don’t think I make it so narrow. Much like religion, I think feminism comes in many varieties, and each should be respected and empathized with. Also, we should take into consideration social evolution, which is easiest by generation.
When you’ve managed to choose your own path, even if that is to be a homemaker, you’ve relieved yourself of (some of) that oppression. I have experienced some serious nastiness from women who define as feminists, because I do domestic things. Choosing your own comfort level, choosing your own life...that’s the entire…
Oh, don't get me wrong. I own power tools and a hand truck. I can hide the bodies of those who get in the way. :) I just often struggle with wondering if my anger ends up fucking me over, and I feel like we ladies who fight hard deserve peace. Or a cocktail. Preferably both. Give your mother my regards. Without the…
Totally understand this. I love many domestic things. I do work (at times three jobs at once), but in the entertainment industry, and my super patient husband has worked his ass off in real estate so that I could run my weird little shows and (literally) take off for weeks at a time to fly around the country working…
While I totally understand what you’re saying (and I’m also only 41), I have found that “anger” does more damage to me than it does to them, or forwarding the cause. I tend to try and shift that anger to amusement, rebellion and mild derision.