
"Fought with cops" is the cop's version. Eyewitnesses tell it a different way. He was put in a choke hold for no discernible reason, struggled in that choke hold for obvious reasons (he was chocking) and was shot by an angry officer. When the first bullet didn't kill him he ran. When the second bullet didn't kill him

I actually never said enrolling a young man in sports would make that person more likely to commit violence. But I do believe we've built up a sports culture where violence is not only acceptable but encouraged, particularly against women, both for athletes and fans. Sports can be sports without the violence—with the

Do you have research that backs that up (that sports play a role in preventing violence?) I'd suggest you read Lefkowitz's (1997) account in the Glenn Ridge rape where a young disabled woman was brutally raped with a broom and a baseball bat by a group of football players—that rape was a team sport, an extension of

In fact there is quite a bit of research linking sports with violence against women. Research suggests that male athletes are more likely to commit acts of sexual violence against women than other men (Smith & Stewart, 2003; Flood & Dyson, 2007). Incidences of physical assault, rape and sexual assault are well

Really? You see absolutely no correlation between violent sports and other kinds of assaults? Somehow these juiced up assholes magically turn all that testosterone off except this one?

We have dark colored grout but the mold that accumulates is white.

I think the problem is those states where a server doesn't make a minimum wage. My understanding is 50% of states allow for a tipped minimum wage and that the tipped minimum wage was last bumped up to 2.13 an hour in 1991. And if you look overall at restaurant wages, few are making fact the average restaurant

I think that would hold up only if the base pay was adequate and tips really were extra. But don't most restaurants pay a lower base wage with the expectation of tips? Then tips are part of the companies payroll and costs should be borne by the restaurant, no? Or restaurants should pay a living base wage.

"Sigh...only I a true appreciator of art can separate the art from the artist and yet I'm forced to fraternize with the Jezebel rabble." So unfair that someone is compelling you to this site where you have decided the shortcomings of "the readers on Jezebel", that monolith of ignorance. Such a shame that your browser

The underlying principle in what you write is that profits matter more than people. Very glad the company I work for doesn't operate that way.

Oooh, that made me rub my hands together and go bwa-ha-ha-ha. Brilliant!

I think you think you are punishing the accused player with your racism but in fact you are punishing the entire black community by using that word. And of course you lose all worth as a human being.

Thanks for the heads up. I have to say, sometimes Gawker is fascinating if just for the broad spectrum of crazy. You wonder how some of these folks function in the real world. a whole load of crazy.

Wait, but that is not logical. It is SW that has the A list program in the first place—the guy is an asshole because he signed up for their program? Or the guy is an asshole because he tweeted about a rude agent? And an airline can remove a passenger because of a tweet? That seems like a kind of shitty precedent to

Reply to promote.

Maybe she is a good Mom...and maybe, just like she says, she hates having her kids stalked. I think you read too many gossip rags devoted to shitting on celebrities.

The impunity claimed by religious representatives skeeves me out as well. I mean, when God's calling the shots, who are we atheists to question. That seems dangerous.

What confounds me is why you would read and comment on Jezebel if all women are lying liars who lie? You get this is site is designed for women, no?