
I'm not claiming the moral high ground. I thought we were having a reasoned discussion about bank regulation and bank practices in general. What I know or don't know is not knowable by you, so to suggest I haven't done my research or don't know the facts is indeed condescending. (But keep using that'll

With regard to your first point, I'm still astonished that 'reasonable risk controls' mean discriminating against pregnant women, but hasn't included things like reining in rogue traders betting with depositors money on crazy hedge fund schemes. I'd be glad to use my taxpayer money to bail out a bank that took some

You're drawing a false distinction. Pregnant women also report on things like length of service, credit rating, ect.

(Just going to address the second point because I have to go to work) If profits are the sole consideration when designing lending practices, why have Fairness in Lending laws at all? For instance, African Americans have experienced rates of unemployment twice that of whites during this latest economic downturn. Based

I've actually done quite a bit of research on the Glass-Steagall act. While I understand you disagree with my conclusions, let's keep this a good, constructive discussion where we respect one another's ability to make our case (I think you make many good points and are quite knowledgeable, and I hope we are engaging

That is fascinating. Thanks so much for the link! For me the most shocking part of losing my looks is how invisible I've become. It's not as though I'm Quasimodo, but I seem to have less ectoplasm or whatever that substance is that says, I'm here, in the room, exactly the same person I was ten years ago. Why can't you

1. The Volker act is a step in the right direction but it does really not reinstate the division between commercial and investment banking that the Glass-Steagall act did. And with the Volker Rule, there are many exceptions that still allow proprietary trading. That's one of the reasons its 900 pages. Should have been

I'm going to print this out and tape it to my mirror. If even made me tear up a little. Thanks so much!

Banks are willing to take on enormous risks in betting on crazy financial instruments but want to reserve the right to discriminate against pregnant women because lending to them might be too risky?

Yeah, and people who get hurt at work...just fire their ass. People who are disabled...way too expensive to put in those ramps. And children...their hands are so tiny and dexterous...why not give them a shift at the factory. In fact, why have any labor protection at all're just meddling in business and

It's a deal!

I so wish I could take your advice. I'm a 47 yr old very happy gal with a loving (hot) partner but, deep down, physical aging makes me feel like shit. I'm so embarrassed to admit it, but it affects every aspect of my confidence. The weird loss of identity from physical aging is something no one ever, ever talks about.

I have a friend who is 4' 10"...she has to have everything tailored. She'll be thrilled. And I in no way feel threatened by the fact that she now has access to clothes that fit even though I'll never be 000.

Uh, you get that you took one anecdote and extrapolated it to cast doubt on every woman's experience with sexual harassment? Kind of like how people dismiss rape? And climate change (it was cold yesterday so global warming MUST be a hoax). You get that you just took a huge step backwards with the stupid, right?

Then totally with you.

Does the hypocrisy of conservatives likewise astound you?

I think she can abuse drugs, spout bigoted shit, insult fashion and abuse small animals. Never underestimate Joan's multitasking abilities.

My revulsion over your comments blinded me to spelling errors. It was the nausea of watching someone who witnesses a profound tragedy and says, hey, how can I use this to feel superior and to make the tragedy even worse?

You are a merciless, cruel, sanctimonious monster. I get that you think this kind of judgement passed through Gawker comments is harmless, but someone needs to tell you the world does not exist for your uninformed judgments.

Nah, music doesn't need to be consigned to that kind of hierarchy. Maybe you don't like punk, but it wasn't derived from metal and requires a lot of rhythmic skill to do well. It was a reaction to all the 15 minute guitar masturbation 70s—a crisp, political, fuck you. Some metal has more harmonic complexity, but lots