Everyone knows Spartans can only achieve sexual arousal and climax by teabagging the fallen bodies of the opposite team.
Everyone knows Spartans can only achieve sexual arousal and climax by teabagging the fallen bodies of the opposite team.
Now there’s a headline I did not expect to read today. Or any other day.
Sad news. I was really hoping that the suit could “finish the fight.”
Oh I don’t think Anthem will kill Bioware (if it does it’s not related to any view I have of Bioware since I dislike them now for vastly different reasons than most who dislike them, and people who like them would hate me even more than the rightwingers that always bitch about Bioware now).
yes but as long as EA owns bioware, they wont let them do games like kotor without adding on dumb things like online features and microtransactions. EA doesnt give a shit about story, just squeezing as much money out of a studio as they can. they bought bioware for their name and past success. they plan to milk that…
I hope, for the sake of Bioware, the game turns out to be a success. Sadly, they stopped making games I was interested in a long time ago. There’s no studio that I know of which makes RPGs that aren’t massive in scale and demanding in time investment. I want those bite-size RPGs like Kotor back.
Sadly, like mobile F2P shit, we don’t want them but we’re in the minority - especially as far as spending goes.
I’m sure they know exactly what they are making. They just don’t want to outright say they want to make a grind heavy games-as-a-service shooter.
Stop. Giving. Us. MMO. Lite. Games.
“We’ve reinvented personal narratives by making them all incredibly simplistic and underwhelming.”
The solution is obviously to hand out guns to everybody in attendance.
1) I’d like it if Germans got gun money out of their politics too
Aggressive gun and ammunition control has and always will be the answer, alongside the complete removal of gun lobby (and other corporate) money from political campaign contributions and bill lobbying.
Does this guy deserve to be bankrupt? He probably already is.
I know. Ultimately I harbor no anger for the victim who is simply trying to leverage the civil power he has vs. a large corporation in order to turn a terrible thing into at least something good. In its own way, it’s great that EA will be able to likely pay them a fairly large settlement while suffering virtually no…
If you gotta ask what Rick Scott could do, you haven’t paying too much attention to Florida. There’s a lot of shit Rick Scott could do that he doesn’t.
Sadly, Gov. Scott probably has the benefit of sovereign immunity.
This was probably his insurance company forcing him to sue for damages so they don’t have to pay. Its common practice for insurance companies to get their clients to attempt to pay in any way besides insurance. That’s why the hotel the las vegas shooter sued all the vitims, because they were afraid of those peoples…
Maybe it makes me a pessimist in a way, but I would never feel safe from a mass shooter simply because there’s metal detectors or security checkpoints. Mind you, I don’t go around living in fear or avoiding public spaces, but my sense of safety would not be heightened by said security’s presence, is what I’m saying.
The dude was shot TWICE. I’m not going to say he’s right to take these people to court but it’s not like the true culprits(dead nerd, the NRA) are ever going to be taken to task for this tragedy.