Velvet Al

There is a ridiculous amount of porn in the palm of my hand, like right now.

Is this the long awaited Ric Flair sex tape?!

“Twist: the deal is that he trades all of his Tony Stark tech for a backstory featuring Uncle Ben.”

He’s referring to his neighbor, Phil Spiderman.

“A boneless chicken breast that’s four years past its expiration date AND someone put Cool-Whip on top? Everything’s coming up fly!”

Well, of course Biden’s microchipped. What if he runs away and gets sent to the pound? How will Jill find him?

And now I’m crying.

It’s called “Umpire Records”. It’s about a bunch of misfit kids who get it together, save the store and officiate a ballgame.

Crazy Amazing!

That's just crazy. 

She and her best friend, Alicia Silverstone, called off their road trip.  

To be fair, it’s not all Trump’s doing, the cartoonish evil of the profit-centric American healthcare system is pulling a lot of the weight there too. Cool that the main person running against Trump thinks that system doesn’t need any major reforms! Whee!

If you have a blackface episode where the point of the episode is how horrible blackface is....that matters. Especially if it was done decades ago when there was less awareness about how offensive it was to do it even in a non-mocking way. And I think the nazi president and the overtly racist policies and groups his

Disney is actually three smaller monsters in a trenchcoat.

When a Mandalorian and Baby Yoda really love each other a free Mulan comes 5 weeks later 

Question is, did he lose his sense of smell? Would be a shame if he could no longer smell what he was cooking.

It didn’t help that by all accounts he was a massive creep who was convinced for years that women loved him regardless of anything else because of the D.

The target audience thinks Youtube is a brand of catheter.

He’s got a brand to maintain.

If they want us to understand them then why don’t they speak American like Jesus did.