Velvet Al

The title “From John Malkovich to LeBron James” is weird when Malkovich isn’t the first entry on the list and James isn’t the last.

I’d say that even during the golden age of piracy, it still wasn’t quite as significant factor as the industry tried to make it out to be. Purely anecdotal, but among me and my friends, what we downloaded from Napster fell into one of three categories: Stuff we’d never actually buy but was fun to occasionally listen

Does Ross, the largest friend, finally eat the other friends?

Fellow Dark Side of the Ring fan here, and what you say is spot on. There was pretty much nothing new to say about the Chris Benoit murder/suicide, but seeing those close to him talk about it, particularly his son, was just gut wrenching. It moved me to tears, which I didn’t expect.

Yet the X-Files movie that came out a couple of months later didn’t have aliens.

“Family Guy” was basically an afterthought in its third season, being bounced around all over the schedule before getting cancelled. Now they won’t let the show die.

I’m surprised there isn’t more crazy fan theories about the DVDs. Not only did Malcolm In The Middle not exist at the time, none of those other shows would’ve been released on DVD yet, especially not in complete season format, since that trend really started in the 2000s. And in 1999, DVD players were still a fairly

One time, he buttoned Slater’s shirt while time was stopped. I don’t know the extent of his reality altering powers, but he definitely had some.

Maybe this is a pedantic argument, but is “Alice In Wonderland” really a remake, or is it just a new adaptation of the same source material? Honestly, I’m not sure if I’ve even ever seen the Tim Burton version but does it hew close enough to the elements unique to the animated film to be considered a remake? “Red

My favorite thing about the Spider-Verse comic was the fact that every Spider-Man adaptation existed as its own universe. So I’m open to the idea of bringing in people from the non-MCU films. Especially if it leads to the return of Alfred Molina’s Doc Ock, which in my opinion, remains the best film supervillain

Jason Alexander is the only way I’d be willing to sit through the Uncle Ben story once again.

What about a colon enema at a strip club?

I think he couldn’t properly cope with the end of his run. In a documentary about him years ago, they noted that he couldn’t find a woman willing to have a relationship with him because he was a porn stars, but not many women in the industry, especially the younger ones, wanted to work with him because of his looks.

There was a documentary about him, I think about 15-20 years ago, and in it, they discussed that he was at a sort of crossroads. Because of his profession, he couldn’t find a woman willing to have a relationship with him. But because of his appearance, the younger women in the business didn’t want to work with him.

It’s easy to forget with the lifetime of terrors that have happened since then, but for that week that Sanders had the lead, the moderates went into sky is falling mode. Chris Matthews even said Sanders would lose the election because there were people who’d rather have another four years of Trump and wait for a more

What Rollergames was to roller derby, XFL should be to football.

I can’t imagine that the top 10 originals combined got more views than Infinity War.

I always assumed he intentionally cast bad actors as some sort of statement I was too stupid to figure out.

Danny tried to get into the rap game too late in life and found he was too old for this shit.