Velvet Al

I checked out on OITNB pretty early, but wasn’t Laverne Cox’ character a trans woman?

I don’t know if they still do, but Comedy Central had 30 Rock in syndication. And I’m sure there’s a number of local stations across the country that run it in their syndication block.

I think the Tom and Jerry DVDs did it right with the Whoopi Goldberg disclaimer. It gave proper context for the stereotypes and basically said that if we pretended use of these stereotypes never existed, then we're basically pretending racism never existed.

Everyone should the follow the lead of the warnings on the Tom and Jerry DVDs that were basically, "This is wrong now, it was wrong then, but pretending it never happened is pretending racism never existed." Keep these episodes but put disclaimers and give proper context and hopefully some people can have serious

I think it hasn't been reported on much since no one involved has much mainstream recognition but the wrestling world has been hit hard by sexual assault allegations the past couple of days. It's crazy how they all came out at once.

I remember when Serj’s first solo album came out, whenever the DJs in my area played “Empty Walls,” they’d always joke, “Sounds just like System of a Down. Guess he got sick of the other guy singing.”

It reminds of some years back when WWE decided to debut a group called Submission Sorority without first googling to make sure it wasn’t the name of a porn site even though it sounded exactly like the name of a porn site. Spoiler alert: It was the name of a porn site.

In the years between the release of Return of the Jedi and the re-release of A New Hope, Star Wars fell out of mainstream pop culture consciousness, so much so that Kenner let an insanely good licensing deal (I think they may have been getting 90% of the profits) lapse because the toys weren’t selling. I think that’s

Fun fact: Robert Plant is the person Sting was stalking. Okay, I made up that fact, but “D’Yer Maker” does contain the line “Every breath I take, every move I make.”

Wait, I thought Fortunate Son was about comfy jeans.

Most of their music videos, which this guy obviously never watched, literally were PowerPoint presentations interspersed with footage of the band playing live.

Yeah, it makes no sense. Regardless of viewership or merit, it’s considered the top award in the music industry. 

Showtime also has separate apps for TV subscribers and stand alone subscribers. But it's Showtime, so no one cares.

Twister 2: Your Sister Is A Suction Spot

Why aren’t people clamoring for statues of Benedict Arnold? He was an important part of American history too. Is it because “You’re a real Benedict Arnold” is a more commonly used phrase than “You’re a real Robert E. Lee”?

Kid Rock was on one of those Jaywalking segments before he was famous, so I’ll forever blame Leno for Kid Rock’s career.

Throughout the whole article, I kept waiting for a punchline that it was a different Randy Jackson.

I keep hoping someone steals my identity and takes all my debt.

I'll wait for the sequel where CPS take the children away. Anyone that lets their kids go on tour with Guns N Roses is an unfit parent.

Considering they did it once in the first movie, the evil robots did a variation of it in the second movie, and it was never done in the animated or live action series or in the comics, I’m going to say that in this movie, it’ll be done 532 times since it apparently is the defining moment of the franchise.