Velvet Al

It’s out of print now, but if you ever get a chance, you have to read “The Naked Truth,” Leslie Nielsen’s “autobiography.” It’s a hilarious spoof done in his signature deadpan delivery.

I once messed with a scammer like that, and I thought it was pretty obvious in my emails that I wasn’t being serious but it kept going until it somehow reached the point where he sent me a copy of his passport to prove he was really who he said he was. I then found the guy from the passport on Facebook and told him

I was clapping for his hat, though.

The real plothole is that Chuck Berry doesn’t remember that Marty invented rock and roll.

The Back to the Future question that truly bugs me is “Why wasn’t the plan to save Marty Jr in Part II to teach Marty Sr to be a better father?” Sure, he saved Jr this one time, but what’s to say Jr won’t fall in with a bad crowd and be pressured to do other crimes in the future?

When mommy Jarhead movies and daddy Jarhead movies are in love.

I was going to say that I hope Carnage says “I drink your milkshake.” But then I remembered that the Daniel Day Lewis movie is called “There Will Be Blood,” not “Let There Be Blood.” But you know what? I don’t care. I still want Carnage to say, “I drink your milkshake.”

For the record, Charlton Heston’s ass I on full display in the original Planet of the Apes, and that movie is rated G. So some butts are family friendly.

Now if they had hooked everyone up to electrodes and they got shocked each time they tried to touch each other, I’d totally watch that show.

“all the democrats I know are lukewarm on Biden”

The problem is that Trump’s supporters don’t care. In 2016, it was clear to anyone with half a brain that Trump wasn’t mentally fit to be President. I don’t know if in the past four years, we’ve had any sort of significant increase in the number of people with at least half a brain.

In addition to his mental health and the sexual assault allegation, Biden is going to get hammered over the Ukraine scandal, and I feel people are underestimating how much this will factor in. A friend of mine said that Trump wouldn’t want to bring attention to the impeachment, but why wouldn’t he? He was acquitted.

So when Quibi inevitably fails, which streaming service is going to pick up their content. I'm guessing Hulu since they already have a "Quick Bites" category.

Not a single mention of Fonda not having a motor in the back of her Honda?

I caught FoW as part of a free outdoor concert series that used to be done in my area. I was annoyed with the crowd because most of them were obviously there just to get drunk and hear “Stacy’s Mom” and they bumrushed the front during that song. Thankfully they left afterwards and us fans got a great double encore of

I thought “Happy!” was the SVU spinoff.

I'm pretty sure Kanye follows everyone in an effort to catch every mention of him in the world.

Now playing

Marshall Law can’t be enacted without a Marshall Plan.

Actually, all of New York State has closed down movie theaters, not just NYC. As someone who lives in the non-NYC part of NYS, I get irked at being ignored like we don’t matter. Granted, we don’t matter, but still.

At the beginning of the show, Triple H stated the Performance Center has 7 rings. I want them to set up all 7 rings and have a crazy battle royal. Embrace the strangeness of this situation.