Velvet Al

They already funnel in crowd noise for wrestlers who don't get cheered as much as the company wants.

Amazing that they managed to pull it off with the Mandala software, given its propensity for corrupted memory.

My wife made me watch it last Halloween because I had never seen it and she kept telling me it was one of her favorite movies as a kid. Afterwards, she turned to me and said, "I'm sorry. I guess I was a really stupid kid."

Yeah, it would kill the tell-all memoir business if they had to be fact checked like that. Everyone would just deny anything that painted them in a negative light.

The unspoken flipside of the electability factor is that it isn't just how many people are willing to vote for that candidate, it's also how many people would rather have Trump than vote for any of the other candidates. The Bernie Bros can be annoyingly vocal about not supporting other candidates so they get shit on.

At first, I thought you said “Lizzie McGuire Tries Math,” which I can see Disney being equally upset about.

According to the official Simpsons guidebook, that joke “may or may not be meant as a double entendre.” I don’t know if that means the editors of the book couldn’t confirm it with the show’s writers, or if they just didn’t want to admit to intentionally making such a dirty joke.

I don’t think songs from musicals count for this exercise. It seems like it’s more songs from fictional bands/performers.

Is it safe to say that Bloomberg is the one candidate that wouldn't be able to pull in the #VoteBlueNoMatterWho crowd?

She was on an episode of "Martin" as the girl Martin hooks up with after he and Gina break up before realizing he loves Gina.

I thought the song was about how great Wrangler Jeans were.

If not for the swearing, they'd probably use "America, Fuck Yeah." Actually, now I want to see Trump come out to that song. It'd be pretty hilarious.

I picture Trump listening to Jimmy Buffet, latter-day Beach Boys and the Pina Colada song.

This is why it’s so important to have a title that’s simple and features your main draw. The film would’ve flopped if it was called “Knuckles And The Fantabulous Emancipation Of Tails.”

I've seen some conservatives make that argument as to why people don't need health insurance. "Get sick? Just go to the ER and don't pay the bill." 

In the video, Oliver points out that Medicare For All is a bit of a misnomer because it isn't actually Medicare.

They should've left it be and just market the home video release as being "even crappier than you think it is."

I’d rather see a dramatization of the Raiders remake. It’s impressive how well they pulled it off considering there was no home media to assist them in making the script and storyboards.

How do I get a job giving Margot Robbie wedgies? Hell, I'd settle for a job giving Danny DeVito wedgies.

Ratings are down because liberal Hollywood forced our kids to get boners during the Super Bowl.