Velvet Al

I always blame craft services. Shitty food results in shitty movies.

I don't remember where I heard this quote, but it perfectly captures why the comedy of Mel Brooks, Monty Python and peak-era Simpsons is great. "It's brilliant not because it's adept at both highbrow and lowbrow humor. It's brilliant because it doesn't differentiate between the two."

Well the "no coat" policy was a bit of a misstep.

Is the movie being released on Earth Day?

When people say that, aren't they just referring to Holland's performance and not the movies themselves? Personally, I think the bigger grievance is how reliant on Stark technology they made him.

Are we even sure any of the Rolling Stones other than Keith Richards are actually still alive and not just animatronic robots at this point?

Are they at least playing "Custer's Revenge"? Or "Leisure Suit Larry"?

Is this just for the previews or the programs as well? Sometimes if I'm ambivalent about a choice, I click on it to read more info. But if I don't exit within five seconds, Netflix assumes that I had a stroke and can't click Play but still really want to watch.

I’m surprised none of the candidates have gone on Fallon yet and given a canned delivery of a line like, “Well, the last candidate whose hair you ruffled won the election, so here I am.”

The feud was really over the fact that Norm MacDonald did terrible impersonations of both on Saturday Night Live.

I'm guessing girlfriend as in a female friend and not female romantic partner. It's like the difference between guy friend and boyfriend, but women don't get a separate term.

And IIRC, Mira Sorvino only starred in "The Replacement Killers" because Tarantino was a huge Chow Yun Fat fan. So there's that as well.

Counterpoint: Thor Ragnarok and the Guardians of the Galaxy movies. Marvel won't let him make a full on Raimi movie, but I'm sure they'll allow a certain amount of Raiminess.

I say he plays himself in an alternate universe where he plays Dr. Strange in a movie.

So when are they going to start upscaling stag films from the 1920s? Um, asking for a friend.

Better than skeet shooting with Li’l Jon.

I like to remind Pearl clutchers that they allowed their kids to watch some guys sustain brain damage.

Did they at least perform "Taco Flavored Kisses"?

I started at Fast Five, and I felt like there wasn't any important detail I could've missed from the earlier films that the later films didn't spell out for me. 

So General Insurance can afford a Super Bowl ad but not CGI technology made after 1998?