Velvet Al

Planters will probably quickly cobble together a different ad to run. Or they'll run the funeral ad but with Kobe's image digitally imposed over Mr Peanut.

By the standards of the albums they recorded while clean, it’s a great album.

How much of this film will be devoted to her getting a haircut?

Who has the time to practice Tantric sex in this era of Peak TV?

“which isn’t a knock on his talents”

Today I learned that Saturday Night Live has a loophole to steal jokes but is too lazy to find good jokes to steal.

I’d rather sit on the Levis meeting where someone pitched the idea of using the Dead Kennedys’ “Holiday in Cambodia” for an ad campaign.

Ironically, kicking Joey Kramer out of the band is what made them eligible for the award.

What do you expect from the worst Saturday Night Live cast member of all time?

One of the fascinating things about the Trump presidency is that it made a good chunk of conservatives turn on Fox News just because they're occasionally a tiny bit critical of Trump.

Will the old episodes of Saturday Night Live feature the musical performances? The music licenses expire on Hulu and after a while are cut from the show.

Can we just skip the impeachment trial and go straight to the part where all the Republicans vote “I heart Trump”?

Every show would benefit from randomly recasting one of the roles with Gilbert Gottfried.

Are we sure Joe Mantegna isn’t a made man?

I have no issue with recasting the part. Harry Shearer and Julie Kavner sound like they’re doing subpar impersonations at this point anyway. And to me, the casting issue is the only valid argument. The fact that the only well known Indian representation in pop culture for decades is a cartoon stereotype is not the

This has always been my issue with the controversy. The Simpsons has always been a show that mined broad stereotypes for humor, sometimes in brilliant satire and sometimes in cheap and lazy jokes. It’s not their fault that there’s no other well known Indian portrayal in pop culture to act as a counterbalance. No one

They watched ten films. The tenth was “Dark Phoenix” so that’s why there’s only nine nominees for Best Picture.

I don’t have the time (or will) to go through all 300 posts right now, so apologies to everyone who’s undoubtedly made this point already.

I hope that if it’s successful enough to get a sequel, they re-use “Howling II: Your Sister Is A Werewolf” as the title.

Lance Diamond passed away a few years ago so that won’t be happening.