Velvet Al

FX shows generally don’t make it to Hulu until after the season ends, oftentimes not until the new season starts. So I imagine they’ll keep FXNow for current content.

Nirvana have three proper albums and half a compilation’s worth of original music. Doing only five songs, did they have to go with “The Man Who Sold The World”? I get that most Gen X’ers and Millenials are more familiar with Nirvana’s version than David Bowie’s version. But they really should’ve stuck to Kurt’s songs.

*watching “I’ll Stick Around” video*

Football football or soccer futbol?

Just imagine how much more money Endgame would’ve made from those ten incels boycotting it because of Captain Marvel shoving feminism down their throats.

Good point. While I felt that individually, each of the prequels was a bad movie, when put together, they actually tell a pretty good story. You’re just better off reading the Wikipedia plot summaries than actually sitting through the movies.

Damn, I was hoping this was going to be a Herculoids spin-off.

Don’t worry about Mark-Paul. Once the “Dead Man On Campus” sequel gets greenlit, he’ll be laughing all the way to the bank.

I remember when he took a dump on the front lawn.

I'd go see a movie where the Joker went around ripping off the tags from mattresses. Such blatant disregard for the law!

“Make better movies, other studios.”

As someone who lives in the area, those bridges are frightening enough to drive on under normal circumstances. I don't want to imagine having to contend with giant monsters as well.

A Quiet Place II: Your Sister Is One Of Those Monsters With Super Hearing

The first movie was set in 2020, so it was actually the future.

Also, people fart in their sleep. There would've been attacks every night.

Hey, give 1MM their proper credit for getting Once Upon A Time off the air. Sure, it took four years, but bigotry moves slowly.

Anyone else remember “Vegas Vacation”? It was so bad, National Lampoon wouldn’t put their name on it. And they’ll put their name on anything.

I haven't watched this show so my knowledge of Baby Yoda is confined to Baby Yoda memes. I was surprised to learn that Baby Yoda isn't actually Baby Yoda, just a baby whatever-the-hell-species-Yoda-is. I am now less interested.

Unless you’re Eric Roberts, whose inability to say no ensures an enviable earning potential through sheer volume of work.

The segment with the topless witches is pretty good too... if you watch just the screenshots.