Velvet Al

There's cases you can buy to store unopened Funko boxes in so that the packaging doesn't get damaged. That's a great service they offer. Because if you're willing to buy one of those cases, you're clearly too stupid to be holding on to that money.

In related news, she also sued the other members of Audioslave. It had nothing to do with unreleased recordings, though. She's just trying to stop the RATM reunion tour from happening.

Hot take: Hippies were the original millennials. Lazy slobs that would rather drop acid and listen to the Dead than get a real job working for a corporation, or “The Man.” Hell, the Grateful Dead? That ain’t real music. They can’t play or sing and don’t know when to stop a goddamn song. Men confused about masculinity,

I come from the generation when singers were real men with real talent, like Bing Crosby and Ol’ Blue Eyes. These deviants today with their rocking and rolling. That ain’t music. That’s a bunch of chimpanzees banging on trash cans while some stray mutt howls into a Woolworth bought microphone. Hound dog is right. Get

What does this mean for the Yellowcard lawsuit? I only bring it up because I still find it amusing that Yellowcard’s argument was basically, “He likes Fall Out Boy so he must’ve heard our song.”

I wish I had thought up this point back when they posted the article about people watching “The Irishman”as a miniseries, but better late than never. Had they actually released it as a miniseries, there probably would’ve been more people binge watching it in a single sitting than people who’ve watched the full movie

Does the artist have a copyright on duct taping fruit in general or is it just bananas specifically? Because I'm willing to duct tape two kiwis to the wall for as low as 15k.

A lot of people complained that “Where The Boys Aren’t 27" didn’t work as a standalone film, but really, if you didn’t see the first 26, what were you really expecting?

“It’s not like the rat talks to Ant-Man and tells him how to defeat Thanos or anything.”

Doctor Strange’s final words in Infinity War should’ve been, “No matter what. Protect the rat at all costs.” Then there could’ve been a year of speculation over who or what the rat might be. Then an Internet meltdown when it turned out the rat was just a random rat with no further significance.

50% of the cut footage is every character realizing that their mother is also named Martha. The other 50% is footage of people running the Martha joke into the ground.

And an annoying marketing gimmick, since “unrated” suggests there was material that would’ve gotten them slapped with an NC-17, but it was never more than Hard R material.

It’s weird to realize Sandler was only a “featured” player for most of his time on SNL. It felt like he was in 90% of sketches back then.

This will be a great time. And don't call me Jermaine. 

It ends with Don Johnson waking up in bed next to Cheech Marin only to wake up again, this time next to Philip Michael Thomas.

Yeah, I don't quite get the worry. This was conceived to be a single season story and even then, they were able to cut an episode for being unnecessary. It's not like there's years of plot threads that need to be resolved. It's like looking at issue 10 of the comic and saying "How can they wrap this up in two more

Did the blimp read "Ice Cube's A Pimp"?

And "Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town" on Labor Day.

It was a special episode about sucking dick sideways.

Obviously Manson is going to play the guy who walks up to the woman that thinks all men are out to rape her so she tries to shoot him but the gun is so old, it blows up in her face. #DeepCuts