Velvet Al

I can’t look at him and NOT think, “Who are 3 people that have never been in my apartment.” 

SNL sketches don’t usually have a point. Usually they’re just actors practically shouting at the audience “I’M BEING FUNNY NOW! AREN’T I FUNNY? YOU THINK I’M FUNNY, RIGHT?’

I am as fully confident as someone that doesn’t personally know Neil can be that he gives two fucks about the money or whether he will “win” in Court. He hates Trump and has hated his ilk since forever, and publicly since Buffalo Springfield. He has the money, and is too old to give a fuck. So if it messes with Trump,

If ever a show was the literal interpretation of this picture, then Ghosted was that show

Republicans: The invisible hand of the free market is never wrong!

The fact that he chose wooden but attractive actors is one of the movie’s many smart moves. They’re dumb empty vessels that the state can fill with ideology. It also helps that people like Denise Richards and Casper Van Dien aren’t in on the joke. 

Just plays into the whole seductive marketing aspect, the film being like one big recruitment video.

I want to hear from the dog from Frasier instead

Is this confirmation that the yellow characters on The Simpsons are actually white?

I’m sure you mean pub*ic forum.

At 72, Sammy Haggar can’t drive 55...or without forgetting to turn the blinker off.

Haha me too! Taxes are a pain in the ass, and my cousin’s a good dude.

I’m gonna give you all the deductions you can handle!

“I’m just going to roll this over into an offshore account... AND YOU’RE GOING TO LIKE IT!”

“But seriously, if you were going to be around Ron Jeremy, wouldn’t you assume that I’d be a little bit touchy feely?” he said. “Yes. This is what I do for a living.”

Meanwhile, at Disney...

It’s still available for networks to air in syndication, but I believe few if any are still airing it. There was an article a couple of years ago on New Girl and why it never went into syndication that mentioned 30 Rock had flopped really hard and most local stations cut it after a year.

I was going to say that. Rather than scrub it, add a disclaimer saying it was funny then but now it’s offensive. Keep that in mind when watching and possibly use it as an educational tool on how times and views have changed.

That’s such a better approach. Most gestures like this one seem to basically come down to white people wanting to gentrify history in order to absolve themselves of all past wrongdoing, but trying to erase the past does no one any favors. Just keep the episode, but include a disclaimer. Even Disney Plus does that shit!

It comes in spurts, so to speak..... heyo. Anyways..